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Many Adventures of a Nomadic Poet A young poet with Asperger's makes travel his passion, and away he goes...


There are [7016] photos and [177] stories about Australia

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Anikka in Melbourne

Thursday, 4 Jan 2024 | Views [120]

Anikka, my special one, is here is in Melbourne. Anikka Double-K decided to take her first solo journey to visit a friend and she has taken some time to see me. Yesterday I took the train to Glenhuntly and I waited patiently. When I spotted my greatest ... Read more >

Royal Australian Mint

Tuesday, 12 Dec 2023 | Views [41]

The Royal Australian Mint was only one part of my day. However, I missed out on the mint when I was in Canberra in '16. Like last time, I somehow chose to visit Canberra in the searing heat of summer (or just before the start of it). After what happened ... Read more >

Heatstroke Scare

Wednesday, 6 Dec 2023 | Views [84]

Jervis Bay is part of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), and was established so the capital could have a seaport. Yesterday was a gorgeous albeit warm day and as I was told there is a lot to see, I got out there to explore. I had to walk more than ... Read more >

Photos: Jervis Bay

Tuesday, 5 Dec 2023 | Photo Gallery

ACT's seaport
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Anikka and Me

Tuesday, 15 Aug 2023 | Views [168]

Two of the most beautiful days of my life happened yesterday and today. I've mentioned her in several previous stories and I'm writing about her again. Anikka "Miss Double-K" is the absolute dearest lady in my life. When I arrived yesterday I ran with ... Read more >

Nullarbor 2.0

Saturday, 12 Aug 2023 | Views [71]

Over the years I've accomplished what I call the "Triple Crown" of Western Australia (WA) hitchhiking adventures: the Nullarbor (the easiest), across the top through the Kimberley and Pilbara regions, and via the Great Central Road (the most difficult ... Read more >

Photos: Devil's Marbles

Saturday, 30 Apr 2022 | Photo Gallery

Magnificent rocks along the Stuart Highway
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Karlu Karlu

Saturday, 30 Apr 2022 | Views [195]

I’m ahead of schedule on this journey, as I started out only 11 days ago. I was going to give myself a week in Laverton to get a lift on the Great Central Road but I only had to wait a little more than two days, and I was prepared to spend multiple ... Read more >

Uluru and Kata Tjuta, 15 Years Later

Wednesday, 27 Apr 2022 | Views [191]

15 years ago I was a rookie traveller, having been to only about three countries. Hitchhiking was only a distant dream, and I would buy stacks and stacks of postcards and trinkets to bring home. I was a tourist with a basic camera and no phone, just ... Read more >

Mission Accomplished!

Tuesday, 26 Apr 2022 | Views [175]

As a day of remembrance, Anzac Day is never a particularly busy day. I was warned that I likely wasn’t going to get anywhere yesterday. Keeping my hopes high, I got on out there with all of my gear, including 10 litres of water. A ham and cheese ... Read more >


Sunday, 24 Apr 2022 | Views [199]

For two full days I waited in Laverton for a lift. How am I not frustrated? Hitchhiking, especially when undertaking extreme journeys like this one require the 4 P’s: patience, persistence, provisions, and power. Alex and Felix remarked that I’... Read more >

Dusty Laverton

Friday, 22 Apr 2022 | Views [232]

Several years ago I hitchhiked across the Nullarbor from Perth to Sydney, thumbing more than 4,000 kilometres. Last October and November I hitched from Airlie Beach to Perth via the top of Australia, and I ended up doing more than 8,100 kilometers along ... Read more >

Photos: Great Central Road

Thursday, 21 Apr 2022 | Photo Gallery

An epic journey of more than 1,000 kilometres with almost nothing around!
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COVID-19 Isolation

Monday, 11 Apr 2022 | Views [170]

A few weeks ago I was in Albany briefly, and I decided to I wanted to come here again and spend a bit more time. The soldiers bound for Gallipoli during WWI left from Albany, so it's home to the National Anzac Centre. The setting for this coastal city ... Read more >

Great Southern Adventure

Tuesday, 22 Mar 2022 | Views [232]

Western Australia (WA) has too many gorgeous places to count. I won't be able to see all of them on this stretch, but I've seen a good chunk of them and I'm doing my best before I leave for Queensland next month and then Papua New Guinea in May. Continuing ... Read more >

Photos: Albany and Denmark

Monday, 21 Mar 2022 | Photo Gallery

Albany, Denmark, Kojonup, and the surrounding area make up the Great Southern Region
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Photos: Kalbarri National Park

Tuesday, 15 Mar 2022 | Photo Gallery

Nature's Window!
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Nature's Window

Tuesday, 15 Mar 2022 | Views [230] | Comments [1]

Back in November I undertook a most extraordinary journey. A journey across the world's six largest country, doing a total of 8,100 kilometres using only my thumb. Unfortunately, my plans were altered; not due to COVID-19 but because of bushfires. Altering ... Read more >

Photos: Kalgoorlie-Boulder

Tuesday, 1 Mar 2022 | Photo Gallery

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Wave Rock

Tuesday, 22 Feb 2022 | Views [312]

Well, I've done a lot more than just Wave Rock (there is no "the" in the name) over the past couple of days. Part of my quest is to find a geocache in every local government area (LGA) in Australia, and there are many small LGAs in the southwest corner.... Read more >


Tuesday, 15 Feb 2022 | Views [218]

Over the past few months I've traversed Australia on the diagonal, and have done the whole journey using only my thumb. The previous July I was at Cape York, better known as the Tip of Australia in the northeast corner and now I'm in Augusta, which is ... Read more >

Photos: Augusta

Tuesday, 15 Feb 2022 | Photo Gallery

Southwest corner of Australia
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Photos: Rottnest Island

Tuesday, 8 Feb 2022 | Photo Gallery

quokkas, clear water, and great walks
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Tribute to Bec

Monday, 31 Jan 2022 | Views [265]

With my Christmas Island adventure wrapped up, I wasn't sure where I was going. I thought about making a B-line for the east coast again but I decided to stick around Perth for a bit so I could explore a bit of Western Australia (WA). It was here in ... Read more >

The Final Push

Thursday, 11 Nov 2021 | Views [193]

Wow! I’ve hitchhiked more than 6,500 kilometres and I still had another thousand or more to go. Despite all the places I’ve been, Karijini is one of those rare places where I can purely scream out WOW! at the top of my lungs. It is simply ... Read more >

Photos: Wheatbelt

Thursday, 11 Nov 2021 | Photo Gallery

The area around Perth includes many interesting country towns
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Gorgeous Gorges

Tuesday, 9 Nov 2021 | Views [208]

Karijini is another place in that long list of very special places in my book. Whilst I originally planned on two nights in the park, my new Danish friend Annie suggested doing three or more. After all the drama yesterday I really had no choice. Yesterday ... Read more >

Photos: Karijini National Park

Sunday, 7 Nov 2021 | Photo Gallery

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Zion In Oz

Sunday, 7 Nov 2021 | Views [255]

It's not a palindrome, but an anagram. Years ago, my friend Krista spent close to two years in Australia. She raved about Karijini National Park, therefore when a good friend speaks so personally about a place it must be special. When I looked at it ... Read more >

Tags: adventure, australia, hiking, national park, rocks

Dampier Detour

Friday, 5 Nov 2021 | Views [241]

The most unexpected moments occur when you have room in your schedule for spontaneity. These days, people tend to leave no "wiggle room" in their lives for these unexpected detours that could turn out for the better. You never know what those detours ... Read more >

Photos: The Pilbara

Thursday, 4 Nov 2021 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: Broome

Tuesday, 2 Nov 2021 | Photo Gallery

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Broome Broome Rocks!

Tuesday, 2 Nov 2021 | Views [263]

From the Queensland coast I've now hitchhiked more than 3,500 kilometres. Yesterday I had to say goodbye to Annie, my new Danish friend. She dropped me in Broome whilst she decided to continue her journey west. I thought about camping again but I booked ... Read more >

Kimberley With Annie

Monday, 1 Nov 2021 | Views [227]

In the searing heat I stood just out of Kununurra, just after entering Western Australia (WA), wondering when my next lift was going to be. I've hitchhiked more than 3,000 kilometres already. A gorgeous lady named Annie pulled up in her maroon vehicle.... Read more >

Three Litchfield Waterfalls

Thursday, 28 Oct 2021 | Views [246]

Some guidebooks state "Litchfield-do, Kaka-don't," basically indicating that Litchfield is the better of the two national parks. A few months ago, I met a lovely lady named Chrisney, her partner, Josh, and her father Steve. They invited me to come stay ... Read more >

Photos: Litchfield National Park

Thursday, 28 Oct 2021 | Photo Gallery

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Queensland Coast to Top End

Tuesday, 26 Oct 2021 | Views [181]

For much of the pandemic I haven't even had an actual pair of shoes...just a pair of thongs. Also, I can count the number of times I've worn a jumper on one hand. I've received my first jab, and I'm ready for this ever-lasting pandemic to finally be ... Read more >

What Goes Up...Must Come Down

Thursday, 29 Jul 2021 | Views [199]

It was a long journey to the Tip of Australia, so it was gonna be a long journey down. This is one of those very special journeys where I've had to just roll with the punches. Regardless if I've had to sleep in a tent or give up after several hours with ... Read more >

Photos: Thursday Island

Tuesday, 27 Jul 2021 | Photo Gallery

Torres Strait
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Tuesday, 27 Jul 2021 | Views [198]

Now that I've been to the Tip of Australia, I feel I have to go even further north. If it were possible at the moment I would try to get across to Papua New Guinea. Until recently I figured the Torres Strait Islands were somewhat like Norfolk Island ... Read more >

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