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Dominican Republic

There are [1334] photos and [27] stories about Dominican Republic

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Reminiscing the D.R.

Tuesday, 3 Jul 2012 | Views [906]

A few days ago I returned to "La Capital," facing the crime, cash, grime, and splash that go along with it. As of other day I've hitchhiked a grand total of 25,691 km (15,963 miles) in 13 countries! With the steambath that Santo Domingo is, I won't miss ... Read more >

Photos: Constanza

Friday, 29 Jun 2012 | Photo Gallery

High in the mountains, it's a welcome relief from the sweltering heat of the rest of the DR
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Dominican Highlands

Friday, 29 Jun 2012 | Views [1653]

As I began my journey south from Tubagua I have my first hitchhiking experience in the Dominican Republic. First in a car and then in the backs of two utes, all the way to Santiago. Earlier I hoped I'd get a lift from someone heading to Santo Domingo ... Read more >

The Last Day

Thursday, 28 Jun 2012 | Views [876]

Sadly, it would be our last day on the project. Today was emotional, it really was. And I'm glad I did construction on our last day. It was a day I felt I had to be on my ultimate best, even though I've been so the entire project. Compared to the ... Read more >

Painting with Concrete

Tuesday, 26 Jun 2012 | Views [1719]

Last night I got a good amount of sleep yet I still felt tired. Washing up and then having a cup of coffee always feels good. Brekkie was simple, and it was the usual routine of packing lunch, going to Caraballo, and getting ready. Our half was on ... Read more >


Sunday, 24 Jun 2012 | Views [877]

Wow! It's been over a week since I've started this incredible project! We've taught these children a lot of things, built a substantial section of the library, and learned a lot ourselves and about ourselves. Earlier today we had a spectacular time, ... Read more >


Sunday, 24 Jun 2012 | Views [2936]

Happy Sunday! Our free days continue! Yesterday it was the beach yet this morning Tim's son Oliver took us on an excursion to various waterfalls. As we sat at breakfast this morning it was time to say goodbye to Alisa. She flew back to Washington ... Read more >

Tags: adventures, waterfalls

Beach Baby, Beach Baby!

Saturday, 23 Jun 2012 | Views [3492]

Five difficult, grueling, sweat-soaked days of work has passed. It's our time now to get salt-soaked! Last night Courtney and Amy took a tally of who was going to the beach today, and we all raised our hands. They also got in contact with the people ... Read more >

Photos: Puerto Plata

Saturday, 23 Jun 2012 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: Sosua

Saturday, 23 Jun 2012 | Photo Gallery

beaches and clear water!
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How do I do it?

Friday, 22 Jun 2012 | Views [1083]

It's Friday! And here I am after another long day at Caraballo. As I lay here in my thatched hut in Tubagua I shall take you away into my mind... Today I shall discuss the most common, and sometimes unnerving question I receive regarding travel. And ... Read more >

Critters of the Tropics

Wednesday, 20 Jun 2012 | Views [4022]

Wherever you go you're going to encounter critters. It may be ants in your kitchen or a fly buzzing around your lounge, or it may even be a bee that lost itself on its way back to the hive. When you visit the tropics, whether it's your first time or ... Read more >

Construction starts!

Tuesday, 19 Jun 2012 | Views [1144]

Yesterday we were counselors at the summer camp. Today would be the start of construction for our half of the group. Jace woke me early and we all ate a big hearty breakfast before packing lunches for the day. It's quite a drive from the lodge to the ... Read more >

DREAM summer camp

Monday, 18 Jun 2012 | Views [1566]

Here we are! Set to go for Day #1 of work in Caraballo. This morning I was up early; the best part of waking up is Dominican coffee (not Folgers) in your cup. With my coffee I had a delicious breakfast of bacon, braised potatoes, and toast. I keep ... Read more >

The ISV Crew

Monday, 18 Jun 2012 | Views [2446]

Melissa . AKA Melly-Moo. She loves the environment. She loves the world. She loves animals! She'll walk up and talk to a cow like Dr. Dolittle. And she most definitely loves her men; like a school girl who cuts out photos of ... Read more >

Photos: Caraballo

Sunday, 17 Jun 2012 | Photo Gallery

Children and construction! A life-changing experience!
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Thunder is Loud!

Saturday, 16 Jun 2012 | Views [1665]

Last night it was so difficult sleeping! Dogs were barking all night. I expected this place to be totally quiet but this morning I was angry at dogs in general! Exhausted I was at 7 AM when I was awoken for breakfast. Even though we weren't working ... Read more >

Photos: Tubagua

Friday, 15 Jun 2012 | Photo Gallery

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Cooking and Shopping

Wednesday, 13 Jun 2012 | Views [1540]

Mangu was on the menu this morning as I woke up a wee bit early. It was tasty but I must admit it was better at Jorge's house. Monica was out of coffee and there wasn't enough time to prepare some at her sister's house. As I gaze at the houses here ... Read more >

La Cumbre

Sunday, 10 Jun 2012 | Views [3497]

Today was our big trip to La Cumbre waterfall! Even though it's not a "class" today it's an ALPI-sponsored activity. After a delicious breakfast, Johnny, Kealan, Torrie, Francesca, and I were packed in the back of the taxi on our way to ... Read more >

Class at ALPI

Saturday, 9 Jun 2012 | Views [1496]

No alarm clock! This morning I awoke fearing I was late for class but it turned out I awoke just in time. Breakfast was a simple Dominican fare: rice, salami, eggs, and fruit. Easy enough it was to wash down with a cup of coffee before we were set ... Read more >


Thursday, 7 Jun 2012 | Views [2855]

Santiago de los Caballeros is it's official name but it's often just "Santiago" in the eyes of the locals. This is where I arrived this afternoon. There are airports in Santiago as well as Puerto Plata but it's a rather short bus ride of ... Read more >

Photos: Santiago de los Caballeros

Thursday, 7 Jun 2012 | Photo Gallery

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Santo Domingo: the other side

Wednesday, 6 Jun 2012 | Views [2034]

Why did the nomad cross Santo Domingo? To get to the other side. Remember that old "Why did the chicken cross the road?" anti-joke that you always hear as a child. The past few days I've experienced one side of Santo Domingo, today I would ... Read more >

The Oldest City

Monday, 4 Jun 2012 | Views [3084]

It's hot! It's steamy! It's crowded! It's frenetic! Yet, it's also historical! Santo Domingo is the oldest continuously inhabited city in the Americas. Founded in 1496 by Columbus' brother, it's got some very old architecture and is home to the Cathedral ... Read more >

Tags: cities

Photos: Santo Domingo

Sunday, 3 Jun 2012 | Photo Gallery

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Heat of the D.R.

Sunday, 3 Jun 2012 | Views [1494]

The first thing you'll feel when you're in Santo Domingo is the heat and humidity; I surely felt it. There's nothing better than being in an air-conditioned car on a day like today. Andres, a CSer picked me up from the airport, and the first thing ... Read more >

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