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Many Adventures of a Nomadic Poet A young poet with Asperger's makes travel his passion, and away he goes...

Costa Rica

There are [707] photos and [21] stories about Costa Rica

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Photos: Jaco

Monday, 23 Jan 2012 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: Parque Nacional Carara

Sunday, 22 Jan 2012 | Photo Gallery

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Carara and Jaco

Saturday, 21 Jan 2012 | Views [944]

My next dentist appointment, which will get my crowns put in isn't until Thursday. Mario isn't here yet either so today I'd be making a move to see another area of Costa Rica. Whilst this is my fourth trip here I feel like I haven't seen a huge amount;... Read more >

Finishing my dental work

Friday, 20 Jan 2012 | Views [1485]

Today was really intense! And I was almost not here today; when I went to board my flight to Costa Rica yesterday the lady at the counter told me that since I didn't have a ticket out of Costa Rica, that I had to either buy a plane or bus ticket. Fortunately, ... Read more >

Photos: Cahuita

Friday, 5 Nov 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Thursday, 4 Nov 2010 | Views [851]

Four days of rain have passed, and for the past couple of days there've been no buses to Panama via Paso Canoas or Rio Sereno since the road is washed out. Rain and thunder have wreaked havoc all over the Land of Pura Vida; all last night I listened ... Read more >

Oy, what did I eat?

Saturday, 7 Nov 2009 | Views [1025]

Through my travels, I've shared the good and the bad, so now it's time for the ugly. All three elements are bound to occur (although I hope for mostly the first of three). As I lay here in a dilapidated room in Playa El Coco (situated on the Pacific) ... Read more >

Photos: El Coco

Saturday, 7 Nov 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Turtles and Tortuguero

Friday, 16 Oct 2009 | Views [1975]

As I approached Tortuguero after the one-hour boat ride, I immediately thought "Venice of the Caribbean." However, once I walked into town I realized that only the few buildings near the dock are partially built on water. Tortuguero means ... Read more >

Photos: Volcán Irazú

Saturday, 10 Oct 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Eyes on both coasts

Saturday, 10 Oct 2009 | Views [755]

Standing at the corner of Avenida 2 and Calle 3, there's a sign for the bus to Volcan Irazu. The other day I had teeth pulled out and I have a mouthful of stitches, so I was ready for an escape from San Jose for the day. Earlier I asked Jonathan if he ... Read more >

Dental work in Costa Rica

Friday, 9 Oct 2009 | Views [7148] | Comments [1]

Now this is something to write about! I travelled to San José, Costa Rica to have dental work done! Scary? Not quite! First off, I'll tell you about the first couple of days in San José. When I landed, customs was a breeze, unlike two years ago when ... Read more >

Tags: adventures, medical

Photos: San José

Wednesday, 7 Oct 2009 | Photo Gallery

A very boring and dirty city but I still had all the fun I could. There are many great CouchSurfers there and they showed me some great places to go
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Heading home

Monday, 27 Aug 2007 | Views [1191]

            Today was my final day in Costa Rica, and I woke up at 6:00 not wanting to leave. I washed up and said good morning to Megan and then got a cup of coffee and watched the hummingbirds outside. Also staying in my room were two pretty girls ... Read more >

Tags: Airports

Frogs, bugs, hot springs, and volcanoes!

Sunday, 26 Aug 2007 | Views [2004]

            Today was my sixth and final full day in Central America. I woke up at 6:30 because I wanted make the most of it. I washed up and then went next door for breakfast. I had pancakes that were actually fried with pineapple and banana. They ... Read more >

Tags: Mountains

Photos: Volcán Arenal

Sunday, 26 Aug 2007 | Photo Gallery

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Back to see the Ticos

Saturday, 25 Aug 2007 | Views [1114]

            Today was the fifth day on my Central American journey. I woke up at 7:30 and washed up. I then ordered the pancakes with fruit breakfast again, and I checked email while I waited. I’m sure going to miss this beautiful and loving country! ... Read more >

Tags: Misadventures

Zip-lining and the Cloud Forest

Wednesday, 22 Aug 2007 | Views [2891]

            Today was my second day in beautiful Costa Rica. I woke up bright and early at about 6:00 AM after having trouble falling asleep last night. I washed up and was listening to this guy outside chanting “Monteverde-something” in Spanish.... Read more >

Tags: Adrenaline

Photos: Monteverde

Wednesday, 22 Aug 2007 | Photo Gallery

I walked on the clouds in a cloud forest, and saw frogs and many other cool creatures
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Tuesday, 21 Aug 2007 | Views [2032]

            Today was my first full day in Costa Rica, so I’d like to share it with you. I woke up at 9:30 because I was exhausted last night. I was scared shitless last night, but I feel better now. I got ready and put my bag in the storage closet.... Read more >

Tags: adventures

Scary night in San Jose

Monday, 20 Aug 2007 | Views [1669]

            I landed in Costa Rica tonight. I went through Customs (which took over an hour) and got another passport stamp. Right outside, I met a young man named Adrian, from France. He asked if I wanted to share a taxi, but I told him we should ... Read more >

Tags: I should have known better!

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