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North Korea

There are [506] photos and [8] stories about North Korea

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Reflecting on the DPRK

Saturday, 21 Nov 2015 | Views [623]

In a day in the DPRK there’s always a lot to write about and talk about. Slightly sad I was this morning and certainly I indulged in too much soju last night. I would thank Margo for tipping out my last drink and walking me to my room last night.... Read more >


Friday, 20 Nov 2015 | Views [766] | Comments [1]

Today we would visit a very surreal place in an already very surreal country. Our excursion to the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) would take place today where I'd get to step across the border and shake hands with a DPRK soldier. The DMZ is anything but and ... Read more >

Photos: DMZ and Kaesong

Friday, 20 Nov 2015 | Photo Gallery

38th parallel
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Photos: Nampo

Thursday, 19 Nov 2015 | Photo Gallery

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The Great Leader!

Thursday, 19 Nov 2015 | Views [678]

You’ll quickly learn in the DPRK that days are long as a visitor! You’ll rise early, get home rather late in the evening and there’s no stopping back at the hotel if you forget your memory card. If you forget something you’re ... Read more >

Museums, Towers, Metros...

Wednesday, 18 Nov 2015 | Views [865] | Comments [1]

What a long day it was today! Rising early from a deep slumber I was up whilst it was barely light out. Breakfast would be early as we had a really full agenda today! Our meal was a simple but tasty one of fried sausage, shredded cucumbers, and bread ... Read more >

Democratic People's Republic of Korea

Tuesday, 17 Nov 2015 | Views [807] | Comments [1]

The adventure began before I even got on the plane. Upon checking in for my flight I was handed a boarding pass for Air Koryo 152. As the DPRK’s state-owned airline it operates a fleet of Tupolevs and other Soviet-built aircraft dating back decades.... Read more >

Photos: Pyongyang

Tuesday, 17 Nov 2015 | Photo Gallery

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