I’ve worked my magic in many ways on Norfolk Island, with my photography skills all round, motivational skills at the school, speaking skills on Radio Norfolk, and cooking skills with my various friends, among other things. Today I’d take my baking skills to the Minischool. Cristina searched fruitlessly for zucchinis yesterday but the golden rule on Norfolk is that just because you don’t see something doesn’t mean it isn’t out there. Resourcefulness skills would work in my favour this morning. Shortly after 8 AM I was at Foodlands and there were no zucchinis, but then I asked round and it turned out somebody just brought in a box of them so I quickly bought two. When I returned 20 minutes later after chatting to Duncan regarding geocaching and getting an idea to bake some at Dave’s house there were only two left so I made sure to snap them up quick. Some tourists this morning complained that there are so few vegetables on the island so I told them Norfolk’s "golden rule." Most of my mornings here I’m catching up with people so I needed to get moving and get to the Minischool. The only ingredient we were missing was vanilla, so I hurriedly got to "Foodie's" to pick some up, getting a lift each way. Lined up in a row are zucchinis, sugar, oil, eggs, vanilla, flour, cinnamon, baking soda, and salt.

As I mixed the ingredients the plane to Brisbane soared like a bird over the island, and I’m a little bit sad because I’ll be on the next plane that flies out. There are no flights on Wednesdays and Thursdays. With the recipe written down, Cristina did her part with "Chris added something that's made by an animal that goes 'bawk, bawk, bawk, bawk' and he grated a vegetable that begins with 'Z' like 'Zachary.'" The original recipe is slightly different but I use twice the zucchini, half the sugar, twice the vanilla, and twice the cinnamon. As I went to visit Gaelene earlier, some Kiwi tourists stopped and asked me for directions to Cascade Pier. After a few minutes the husband was like “wait, you’re American” and I replied “yes, but I know Norfolk well enough that I can show people round and give them directions.” I should have jumped in the car with them and showed them round. You truly know a place well when you can give directions when you don’t even live there. After baking today I would meet one of island’s most colourful personalities: Mary Christian-Bailey. Originally from England, she’s lived on Norfolk for more than 50 years and is very active in Norfolk Island’s politics. Norfolk's ideal situation would be to be self governing in free association with Australia, like the Cook Islands' and Niue's relationship with New Zealand, though Norfolk wasn't given a chance to have a referendum. Mary has owned her home for more than 45 years and has only used her house key once! And that was when she had a housesitter who wanted one. Only on Norfolk would people park their car and just leave the key in the ignition. My favourite part of Norfolk is the people; there really is something about the people you meet when travelling. Norf’k Ailen, I deeply love you. That’s the last line of my poem “The Bounteous Isle.” Tonight it was my turn to cook, and Dave was exhausted. He thanked me big time when I told him I picked him up a couple of “Bundies” (Bundaberg rum and cola). Dave needed to go for a swim so we did just that. Louci and various others were having a dip as the sun slowly dipped toward the horizon. Pizzas topped with fresh Norfolk basil would be great tonight. Heide really likes to cook and she cooks even when I do, therefore it's often a mini buffet.
Norfolk Island was supposed to be my time to recharge my batteries, eh? Not quite! Norfolk and its people have my heart and it's amazing to give back. For the future I know now that Norfolk will never be a "holiday" (not that I've ever had a true holiday) but a place where I catch up with people and use my skills to give back. The kids at the Minischool sure enjoyed my time today, and the zucchini bread turned out superb.