About markr_mcmahon

Shaaaape of ye!
Most of you who are going to read this journal already know me, so I won't go overboard with details. However, as the spirit of this trip is one of openness to new people and experiences, here's a little background on who I am....
I'm 30 years old, from Derry in the glorious north-west of Ireland. I was living in London for 6 years where I just finished a masters. I have always wanted to travel around the world, so there was no better time to do it.
In the next 12 months, I am hoping to cover a lot of ground, but at a reasonable pace. Starting off in India, I'll be spending 3 months in SE Asia, moving on to Australia and NZ for 3 months, swinging by NE USA and SE Canada for a month around August before finishing up with a few months in South America over September and October. It's going to be a great trip!
My Travel Map: