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Mark's World Tour 2007-08

Trip: New Zealand

There are [46] stories from my trip: New Zealand

Gallery: New Zealand

NEW ZEALAND | Monday, 22 Sep 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Day 268: NZ to the USA: Going back in time!

NEW ZEALAND | Wednesday, 30 Jul 2008 | Views [1400]

Wednesday 30th July I got up at 08.00 and made breakfast with the last of my groceries, happily putting the rest of the food that I wasn't able to use up on to the free-food shelf in the hostel. I imagined that this aspect of my trip – carrying ... Read more >

Day 267: Back to Christchurch

NEW ZEALAND | Tuesday, 29 Jul 2008 | Views [947]

Thursday 29th July I checked out of the 'Dusky Lodge' hostel in Kaikoura and did a bit of shopping before I got on a fairly rundown minibus at 10.30. The weather took a turn for the worse as we made our way south along the coast, but there was no ... Read more >

Day 266: Whale watching in Kaikoura

NEW ZEALAND | Monday, 28 Jul 2008 | Views [1018]

Monday 28th July After a good nights sleep I got up feeling a lot more energised than I did the day before, and my mood was made all the better by the fact that the sun was out and the rain had disappeared. This was also the news I was waiting for ... Read more >

Day 265: Christchurch to Kaikoura

NEW ZEALAND | Sunday, 27 Jul 2008 | Views [962]

Sunday 27th July I must have had about two hours slight sleep before the alarm went off and I had to be up. I left the hostel just before eight, and the shocking weather of the night before had carried on to the morning. It was miserable, really ... Read more >

Day 264: Lake Tekapo to Christchurch

NEW ZEALAND | Saturday, 26 Jul 2008 | Views [1056]

Saturday 26th July I got up to a beautifully sunny and clear day. Although I was happy to have a good day, I was also slightly disappointed that it had come a day late and I imagined it would have been a perfect day for getting a sight of Mount ... Read more >

Day 263: The great outdoors in Mt Cook

NEW ZEALAND | Friday, 25 Jul 2008 | Views [1059]

Friday 25th July I left the hostel by 08.00, just as the sun was coming up. I started on the walk through Mount Cook village, and there were very few people about, just a couple of people who worked in the area. It was another overcast day, and ... Read more >

Day 262: Lake Tekapo to Mount Cook

NEW ZEALAND | Thursday, 24 Jul 2008 | Views [1489]

Thursday 24th July I woke up to find that the heavy rain of the night before had turned to snow, with the result that there was a blanket of snow covering the ground outside the hostel. I was due to get a bus to Mount Cook later in the morning, ... Read more >

Day 261: Dundedin to Lake Tekapo

NEW ZEALAND | Wednesday, 23 Jul 2008 | Views [1200]

Wednesday 23rd July A couple of us were picked up by the Magic Bus at 08.00 on another grey and cold morning. Along the way out of Dunedin on the road to Lake Tekapo, we stopped off at Baldwin Street, officially 'The Steepest Street in the World'.... Read more >

Day 260: Sorting my stuff out in Dunedin

NEW ZEALAND | Tuesday, 22 Jul 2008 | Views [1040]

Tuesday 22nd July I had a bit of spare time on my hands given that the hospital take care of my arm ahead of schedule the previous day. I spent the whole of the morning in an internet cafe uploading new entries for my online journal, and it felt ... Read more >

Day 259: The cast comes off!

NEW ZEALAND | Monday, 21 Jul 2008 | Views [1085]

Monday 21st July After breakfast, I called the hospital as soon as I left the hostel to make an appointment to see someone about taking the cast off my arm. It had been four weeks since I had got it put on in Auckland, and I was hoping that it wouldn't ... Read more >

Day 258: Queenstown to Dunedin

NEW ZEALAND | Sunday, 20 Jul 2008 | Views [1012]

Sunday 20th July I had another early start and left the hostel at 07.45 and got back on the Magic Bus again, three weeks after I had been on it last on the journey between Lake Taupo and Wellington. After stopping off at the various hostels around ... Read more >

Day 257: A trip to Milford Sound

NEW ZEALAND | Saturday, 19 Jul 2008 | Views [1158]

Saturday 19th July I was up at 06.00 for an early start to a long day trip to Milford Sound. The trip was included in the price of my Magic Bus ticket, and was worth about NZD130 if I had paid for it separately. It was going to be a long day, ... Read more >

Day 256: Wanaka to Queenstown

NEW ZEALAND | Friday, 18 Jul 2008 | Views [982]

Friday 18th July I got up to another grey day in Wanaka, but it wasn't too bad, a good day for the drive to Queenstown with Mark. I had decided to get a lift from him as it would be better to have the company and it didn't make sense to leave later ... Read more >

Day 255: A fantastic wintertime birthday

NEW ZEALAND | Thursday, 17 Jul 2008 | Views [1331]

Thursday 17th July Given that I was planning on spending only a full day in Wanaka, I was keen to make use of that day – my birthday – to go on a hike of a local mountain, Mount Roy, which I had heard was a round journey of between seven and ... Read more >

Day 254: Franz Josef to Wanaka

NEW ZEALAND | Wednesday, 16 Jul 2008 | Views [1565]

Wednesday 16th July Danika and I got our stuff together and left Franz Josef with Mark on our tail, as we were all making a move towards the town of Wanaka, situated about three hours drive south of Franz Josef. We had heard from various people ... Read more >

Day 253: The Franz Josef Glacier Hike

NEW ZEALAND | Tuesday, 15 Jul 2008 | Views [1856]

Tuesday 15th July I was up at 07.00, got myself together and prepared my food for the lunch that day (you have to bring your own food on the glacier hikes) and headed over to the Franz Josef Glacier Guides office at 09.00 to get kitted out with ... Read more >

Day 252: Punakaiki to Franz Josef

NEW ZEALAND | Monday, 14 Jul 2008 | Views [1454]

Monday 14th July Although we had to check out of the hostel by 10.00, I got myself and my gear together at a leisurely pace, had some breakfast and said our goodbyes to the group of people that we had been hanging out with in Punakaiki. It was ... Read more >

Day 251: Lazy days in Punakaiki

NEW ZEALAND | Sunday, 13 Jul 2008 | Views [942]

Sunday 13th July It was another very quiet day for me, as I carried on from where I left off the day before: more journal writing, relaxing and eating. I didn't leave the hostel until 16.30 when I went down to the beach with Danika and Deborah (a ... Read more >

Day 250: A very easy day in Punakaiki

NEW ZEALAND | Saturday, 12 Jul 2008 | Views [1083]

Saturday 12th July The storm that had started before I had gone to bed continued through the night, the wind strong enough to blow open the balcony door at some ungodly hour of the morning. I had woken to find Danika panicking, not sure what ... Read more >

Day 249: Karamea to Punakaiki

NEW ZEALAND | Friday, 11 Jul 2008 | Views [1230]

Friday 11th July I got up to find a grey day in progress and the cold shower that I took didn't do much to raise the temperture for me. Being a super eco-friendly kind of place, 'Rongo' worked off as little electricity as possible, and the water ... Read more >

Day 248: Walking the Heaphy Track

NEW ZEALAND | Thursday, 10 Jul 2008 | Views [1622]

Thursday 10th July We were up and out of the hostel pretty early, having got out of bed well before the sun had risen. We organised our food for the trek and drove about fifteen kilometres north of Karamea to the start of the Heaphy Track. We ... Read more >

Day 247: St Arnaud to Karamea

NEW ZEALAND | Wednesday, 9 Jul 2008 | Views [1686] | Comments [1]

Wednesday 9th July We left the 'Yellow House' hostel before 10.00 and took the State Highway 6 westwards towards the town of Westport. The snow continued to lie on the ground and we passed by some whitened fields and mountains in the distance.... Read more >

Day 246: A beautiful day on Lake Rotoiti

NEW ZEALAND | Tuesday, 8 Jul 2008 | Views [1225]

Tuesday 8th July I was up at 06.00, woke myself properly with a shower and got changed before heading down into the cold of the kitchen to make some breakfast and prepare my lunch and a few snacks for the days trek. Most of the hostels we had stayed ... Read more >

Day 245: Nelson to St Arnaud

NEW ZEALAND | Monday, 7 Jul 2008 | Views [959]

Monday 7th July I was up at 08.00 and had breakfast – including some of the sweet fresh bread that sat on the kitchen counter every morning – before I packed the rest of my things. We left 'The Bug' at 09.30, went to the supermarket to stock up ... Read more >

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