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Mark's World Tour 2007-08


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Gallery: Australia

Monday, 14 Jul 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Day 223: Brisbane to Auckland

Sunday, 15 Jun 2008 | Views [600]

Sunday 15th June We were up by 05.00, and got ourselves ready in the dark of the early morning. Mum & Dad and I were flying from Brisbane to Auckland on two separate flights, with my Qantas flight leaving about twenty minutes later than their ... Read more >

Day 222: Relaxing in Murwillumbah

Saturday, 14 Jun 2008 | Views [1189]

Saturday 14th June My last full day in Australia was a very relaxing affair, and we spent the time lazing about the house. Kevin and his family called around and we had lunch and hung out on the veranda, enjoying the sun. Later in the day, I caught ... Read more >

Day 221: A visit to Murwillumbah Hospital

Friday, 13 Jun 2008 | Views [747]

Friday 13th June My arm was still sore since I had injured it playing football in Darwin the previous week. The swelling had gone down and the colour of my flesh had changed from a dark purple to a more jaundiced hue, but I still couldn't do much ... Read more >

Day 220: A day on the Gold Coast

Thursday, 12 Jun 2008 | Views [1421]

Thursday 12th June We didn't have a particularly early start that day, but we eventually got ourselves organised and headed out for a day of touring about the local area. Mum, Dad, Marie-Therese and I were joined by Seamus McCarthy's sister Mary ... Read more >

Day 219: Sydney to Brisbane

Wednesday, 11 Jun 2008 | Views [712]

Wednesday 11th June I was up at 07.30 and said goodbye to Liz & Iain before they set off for work. I took my time in packing my bag and getting myself in order. I went out for a walk along the coastal path, strolling along the clifftops about ... Read more >

Day 218: Taking it easy in Sydney

Tuesday, 10 Jun 2008 | Views [615]

Tuesday 10th June I had a bit of a lie-in, getting up at 08.30. I did some laundry and then headed into Bondi Junction to take a look for some jeans, which I badly needed as the only pair I had taken away with me were becoming threadbare. I wandered ... Read more >

Day 217: Out and about in Sydney

Monday, 9 Jun 2008 | Views [625]

Monday 9th May We got up and out early and took the bus to Watsons Bay, a lovely district in the north-east of the city, and which has a nice walk and some great views of the centre. It was a beautiful morning and we hung out there for an hour or ... Read more >

Day 216: Catching up with some old new friends

Sunday, 8 Jun 2008 | Views [669]

Sunday 8th June I was up at 06.30, a bit on the early side considering I hadn't slept much the night before on my way to Sydney, but I had arranged to meet up with Sangita and Tania, the two Aussie girls I had met in Thailand in February. I took ... Read more >

Days 214 & 215: Darwin to Sydney

Friday, 6 Jun 2008 | Views [707]

Friday 6th & Saturday 7th June My last day in Darwin proved to be so mind-numbingly boring that the couple of hours I spent hanging out by the pool just dragged and dragged. I had checked out of my room at 09.30 and stored my stuff there for ... Read more >

Day 213: 'Total Football' comes to Darwin

Thursday, 5 Jun 2008 | Views [746]

Thursday 5th June After another morning spent hanging out and not doing very much, a bunch of guys from the various hostels in Darwin met in the park for a few games of football, organised by the staff from 'The Vic' nightclub. I teamed up with ... Read more >

Day 212: Another boring day in Darwin

Wednesday, 4 Jun 2008 | Views [633]

Wednesday 4th June There wasn't a great deal to look forward to in Darwin except more relaxation. Most of the folk in the hostel were either working or just lazing about the pool and this came as quite a contrast to the period of activity that I ... Read more >

Day 211: The Spectacular Jumping Crocs!

Tuesday, 3 Jun 2008 | Views [960]

Tuesday 3rd June The day started off as quiet as the one before. I had some food, sat on the internet for a bit, and generally passed the time before we were due to leave on our crocodile trip later in the day. The bus from the 'Spectacular Jumping ... Read more >

Day 210: Relaxing in Darwin

Monday, 2 Jun 2008 | Views [764]

Monday 2nd June I was up about 09.30, went to the shop to get some food and returned to the hostel to do some laundry. Daniele was dying of a hangover and nobody else was up for doing much anyway, so we played pool in the hostel for a few hours ... Read more >

Day 209: Katherine to Darwin

Sunday, 1 Jun 2008 | Views [1752]

Sunday 1st June It had been a particuarly cold night and I woke up in a foetal position, and with the bed covers over my head and my fleece on in order to to maximise the warmth. We got up in the dark at 06.00 and scampered onto the bus in the hope ... Read more >

Day 208: Kununurra to Katherine

Saturday, 31 May 2008 | Views [1028]

Saturday 31st May After spending two nights at 'Parry's Creek Farm', we packed up our stuff and got back on the bus, heading north on our journey towards Katherine where we were due an overnight stay, our last before we finally arrived in Darwin.... Read more >

Day 207: A day around Kununurra

Friday, 30 May 2008 | Views [699]

Friday 30th May We were up early once more, this time at 06.00, to get on the road and make the most of the day around Kununurra. Although we were staying for two nights at 'Parry's Creek Farm', we had a decent distance to travel on the bus that ... Read more >

Day 206: Fitzroy Crossing to Kununurra

Thursday, 29 May 2008 | Views [1909] | Comments [1]

Thursday 29th May We got packed up and left the campsite at Fitzroy Crossing at 07.00, and continued on our journey east. We were passing through an area of WA known as 'The Kimberley', a vast area of wilderness with the odd place of interest thrown ... Read more >

Day 205: Broome to Fitzroy Crossing

Wednesday, 28 May 2008 | Views [1959]

Wednesday 28th May The ER bus picked me up bang on time at 06.45, and I took this as a good sign that our driver for the next few days – a young guy called Jono – was going to be an improvement on Val, our driver on the Exmouth-Broome leg of the ... Read more >

Day 204: A day in Broome

Tuesday, 27 May 2008 | Views [668]

Tuesday 27th May It felt good to have a 'day off' from travelling ahead of me (I was due to get back on the ER bus the next morning on the Broome-Darwim route), and I spent the morning doing some laundry and food shopping before I took the bus out ... Read more >

Day 203: Onwards to Broome

Monday, 26 May 2008 | Views [720]

Monday 26th May We left the Pardoo Roadhouse at 07.30 and set off on the long, straight Great Northern Highway towards Broome. There wasn't much on the itinerary for the day apart from more driving, but we did have an early morning stop at 'Eighty ... Read more >

Day 202: Karijini to Pardoo Station

Sunday, 25 May 2008 | Views [1622]

Sunday 25th May I had set my alarm for 05.30 so I could get up, wake myself properly with a shower, and meet the other guys who had dragged themselves out of bed at such an early hour to take a walk through the bush to witness the sunrise. I had ... Read more >

Day 201: Exmouth to Karijini National Park

Saturday, 24 May 2008 | Views [1458]

Saturday 24th May I checked out of the hostel at 07.00 and got on the bus with about fifteen other people, but all of them were new to me at best up until the day before, so it felt odd to be on a bus full of 'strangers'. Our new driver was an older ... Read more >

Day 200: Diving at the Navy Pier

Friday, 23 May 2008 | Views [895]

Friday 23rd May I had slept pretty well during the night and was up at 05.30, and waited for the Ningaloo Reef Dreaming bus to pick me up at the reception. This particular dive at the Navy Pier was considered a very special one, and is ... Read more >

Day 199: A 'day off' from the ocean

Thursday, 22 May 2008 | Views [562]

Thursday 22nd May I had gone to bed after the football at 06.00 but couldn't really sleep as I was still on a high at the thought of United being European champions once again. I got up again at 08.30 to see if the replay was on the TV in the camp ... Read more >

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