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xEurasia Odyssey


There are [0] photos and [4] stories tagged with "medieval towns".

Central Bangladesh: Full of Contrasts

BANGLADESH | Monday, 7 Nov 2022 | Views [161]

Central Bangladesh – Full of Contrasts I wasn’t sure what to expect on my tour to visit ancient Hindu and Buddhist sites through Central Bangladesh. As I made my way around, I was struck by the contrasting images confronting me. ... Read more >

Tags: buddhist viharas, cities, hindu temples, history, medieval towns, museums

Kings, Grand Dukes, Town Councils and Tsars 3: Tallinn

ESTONIA | Sunday, 5 Jun 2022 | Views [162]

Kings, Grand Dukes, Town Councils and Tsars: A Brief Excursion to Historical Northeastern Europe 3 TALLINN It was cold, but sunny, and there are very few people in the Old Town. It seems the tourist season doesn’t start until well into ... Read more >

Tags: churches, cities, history, medieval towns, museums

Kings, Grand Dukes, Town Councils and Tsars 2: Vilnius

LITHUANIA | Sunday, 5 Jun 2022 | Views [178]

Kings, Grand Dukes, Town Councils and Tsars: A Brief Excursion to Historical Northeastern Europe 2 VILNIUS The hill behind Cathedral Square with castle ruins and an old (reconstructed) tower is named after King Geminidas. During his family’... Read more >

Tags: churches, cities, history, medieval towns, museums

Kings, Grand Dukes, Town Councils and Tsars 1: Krakau

POLAND | Sunday, 5 Jun 2022 | Views [145]

Kings, Grand Duke, Town Councils and Tsars: A Brief Excursion to Historical Northeastern Europe  Originally, I had planned on including Lviv and Kiev in my itinerary to medieval cities in Northeast Europe, but the war in the Ukraine changed ... Read more >

Tags: churches, cities, history, medieval towns, museums

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