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There are [0] photos and [9] stories tagged with "beaches".

A Few Days in Salvador and Morro de Sãu Paulo, Bahia

BRAZIL | Saturday, 2 Sep 2023 | Views [146] | Video

A Few Days in Salvador & Morro de Sãu Paulo After a week in Chapada Diamantina, it was time to head to the beach and the capital of Bahia, Salvador. This city is the oldest in Brazil and was once its colonial capital. The elite lived on ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, churches, museums, towns

Thiruvanananthapuram Temples and concluding thoughts

INDIA | Wednesday, 14 Dec 2022 | Views [134]

Temples & Beach: Thiruvananthapuram & Kovalam I had a hotel booked on the beach in Kovalam for the last couple of nights and the drive went through Thiruvananthapuram, so I stopped at a couple of the temples before heading further south.... Read more >

Tags: beaches, reflections, temples

Manila, Puerto Galera and beyond

PHILIPPINES | Friday, 2 Dec 2022 | Views [183]

Manila, Puerto Galera and Beyond I flew to Manila from Bangkok as I wanted to get to the National Museum of the Philippines to see what they had that might relate to my work on Goddess Studies.  The National Museum of Archeology is in Rizal ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, islands, snorkeling


THAILAND | Friday, 2 Dec 2022 | Views [137]

Krabi I hadn’t intended to post anything about my time in Krabi as that portion of this trip was a gift from my daughter and son-in-law, but the experience there was too good to stay silent about. My family met me in Thailand to celebrate ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, islands, snorkeling

The Columbian Caribbean Coast: Tayrona to Cartagena

COLOMBIA | Thursday, 30 Dec 2021 | Views [303]

The Columbian Caribbean Coast  Tayrona National Park is perhaps the most famous park in the country and for good reason. The rainforest mountainsides roll down like waves of multi-hued greens to meet the whitewater waves of the sea. The Santa ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, cities, history, museums, national park, towns

Balkan Adriatic Coast Weeks 2B and 3: Albania, Montenegro, and Croatia

ALBANIA | Sunday, 18 Jul 2021 | Views [265]

HMMM, never made it to the Illyrian Royal Tombs.  Even though I knew where to turn off from the main road, there were no signs on the back roads and I drove around on pot-holed dirt tracks for almost an hour, before giving up and asking for directions ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, history, museums, on the road

Adriatic Coast - Week 2 A, Northern Albania and Western North Macedonia

MACEDONIA | Thursday, 8 Jul 2021 | Views [223]

Week 2a  - Adriatic Coast + Northern Albania to Western North Macedonia It turned out that Velipoje is right on the coast, and it was here that I found our hotel.  The dark grey sandy beach is extensive. It stretches from the town area about ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, cities, history, museums, towns

Adriatic Coast -Week 1 Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro to Albania

CROATIA | Sunday, 4 Jul 2021 | Views [239]

On the Road Again – Exploring the Adriatic Balkan Coast  Week 1: down the coast to Velipoje, Albania through Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro.   After over a year of travel restricted to my amazingly beautiful home ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, cities, history

A Journey through Time and Lands: Istria

SLOVENIA | Thursday, 24 May 2018 | Views [557]

A Journey through Time and Lands: A Trip to Istria with Jeannie for her birthday.  We started the drive in the rain from Salzburg and as we headed south making it through the Katchberg Tunnel into Carinthia without the normal colony of cars, ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, history, on the road

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