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xEurasia Odyssey

Trip: Summer Fall 2013

There are [156] stories from my trip: Summer Fall 2013


ITALY | Wednesday, 31 Jul 2013 | Views [1084]

  Poseidonia/Paestum: Fabulous, Fabulous, Fabulous! I loved this site.   The region shows indications of having been habited in Neolithic times and later with more permanent settlements after perhaps the 10thC BCE.   By the ... Read more >

Pompeii, Herculaneum & Stabia

ITALY | Wednesday, 31 Jul 2013 | Views [1587]

  Pompeii, Herculaneum & Stabia   Ok. I am simply not going to even be able to give you a taste of how rich these sites are.   They really do need to be experienced first hand, so make your plans to head to Naples soon ... Read more >

Fontainebleau - May 18

FRANCE | Wednesday, 31 Jul 2013 | Views [592]

Fontainebleau Prior to the arrival of the majority of the students, Dr. McGeever, Alexis, Sam & I went out to Fontainebleau as we knew there wouldn’t be time to include it in the Study Abroad Program’s very backed agenda.  It ... Read more >

British Museum

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 31 Jul 2013 | Views [545]

A Day at the British Museum - May 15,2013 Mid-May I started this xEurasia Odyssey that will last until just before Christmas.  As the British Museum has the entire world within its collection, it was an appropriate place to start.  As ... Read more >

Photos: Austrian Alps

AUSTRIA | Tuesday, 30 Jul 2013 | Photo Gallery

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Austrian Alps

AUSTRIA | Tuesday, 30 Jul 2013 | Views [646]

  Just a few observations from hiking in the Austrian Alps. These mountains are incredibly beautiful, and they are well taken care of.   There are signs throughout that refer to the importance of keeping the natural environment as pristine ... Read more >

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