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You Only Live Once Don't let your dreams be dreams!

About finally

Hawaii Nov. 2014

Hawaii Nov. 2014

"Once the travel bug bites there is no known antidote."

I think that says it all.


Okay, a little bit about us then.

Kurt and I, Anne-Flore, ("we" ;-) lol), have finally made this dream become true. We have been planning it for few months now and have been working hard to save enough money to travel the world for +/- 10 months.

We were at a point in our life where we became "too comfortable" and we should be having a mortgage and a car and a dog and kids, etc so that was the right time to do it otherwise we would never do it. We used to travel 1-2 weeks max per year in Latin America and meet all those great travelers traveling for months and months; we were quite envious. Traveling for 2 weeks vs traveling for several months is a total life experience and I think that traveling the world for few months is not a vacation anymore (as lots of people might think) but it is our life, new life with its highs and lows like everybody else.

Plus reading all these travel blogs and going to the New York Times travel show every year (ref. to Matt the Nomadic ;-) and meeting all those long term travelers, really inspired us and motivate us to make this Round The World (RTW) or in French Tour Du Monde (TDM) become true.



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Hawaii Nov. 2014

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