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Steve and Emma's Travel Tales

Trip: Africa

There are [130] stories from my trip: Africa

Photos: Back in Bathurst for the first time since the pandemic.

SOUTH AFRICA | Sunday, 31 Jul 2022 | Photo Gallery

After not being able to visit South Africa for 2 years due to the pandemic we were so happy to be heading back to Bathurst but also a bit apprehensive about the state of the old cottage at Morley house after being shut up for 24 months. The cottage was ... Read more >
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Photos: Stopping in Betty's Bay and Hermanus on the Way to Bathurst

SOUTH AFRICA | Thursday, 30 Jun 2022 | Photo Gallery

After not being able to visit South Africa for 2 years due to the pandemic we were looking forward to our trip back to Bathurst to see friends and to check on Morley House. We landed in Cape Town to a huge deluge and quickly made our way to Hermanus via ... Read more >
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Celebrating on The Kenyan Coast

KENYA | Friday, 28 Feb 2020 | Views [178]

Emma had a short break for half term at the end of Feb so we thought we would use it as an excuse to celebrate my 50th birthday which was a couple of weeks previously. The actual day of my birthday was a write off as I had Addisitus and was sick as a ... Read more >

Photos: Celebrating on the Kenyan Coast

KENYA | Friday, 28 Feb 2020 | Photo Gallery

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Cape Town for the Cricket with The Barmy Army

SOUTH AFRICA | Monday, 13 Jan 2020 | Views [137]

After spending a fantastic Christmas and new year at Morley House in Bathurst catching up with friends, it was time to head to Cape Town to watch the new year test at Newlands between South Africa and England. I have always wanted to watch a test match ... Read more >

Photos: Cape Town for the Cricket

SOUTH AFRICA | Sunday, 12 Jan 2020 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: A Cultural City Break in Cairo

EGYPT | Monday, 23 Sep 2019 | Photo Gallery

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A Short Cultural City Break in Cairo

EGYPT | Monday, 23 Sep 2019 | Views [147]

Emma and I had some time off work in Addis so we were wondering where to go. Flight prices in Africa are pretty expensive even if the distance isn’t that great, so there were not many options which make a financially viable option for a short break ... Read more >

Getting out of Depressing Addis for the Danakil Depression

ETHIOPIA | Friday, 13 Sep 2019 | Views [110]

We had some time off work as Ethiopia was celebrating the new year on the 12 th of September. They were just about to ring in 2012 although that sounded a bit optimistic to me, but it gave us a chance to get out of Addis. The main thing we wanted to ... Read more >

Photos: Danakil Depression

ETHIOPIA | Friday, 13 Sep 2019 | Photo Gallery

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Lake Langano

ETHIOPIA | Sunday, 24 Mar 2019 | Views [165]

It is always good for your sanity and well-being to get out of Addis every now and again. So when our mates Jason and Jeanie invited us along to one of their favourite spots, Lake Langano, of course we jumped at the chance. The fact that it coincided ... Read more >

Photos: Lake Langano

ETHIOPIA | Sunday, 24 Mar 2019 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: Mombassa and Watamu

KENYA | Tuesday, 30 Oct 2018 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: Looking Back on Running a Guest House in South Africa

SOUTH AFRICA | Saturday, 22 Sep 2018 | Photo Gallery

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Looking Back on Running a Guest House in South Africa

SOUTH AFRICA | Saturday, 22 Sep 2018 | Views [121]

Well it has been a while since I last posted on our ‘ Travel Tales’ blog, in fact not since we opened Morley House Guest House in Bathurst, South Africa. I guess that kind of took over our lives for a while and put a slight halt on our travels.... Read more >

Photos: Exile in Namibia

NAMIBIA | Wednesday, 22 Aug 2018 | Photo Gallery

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Exile in Namibia

NAMIBIA | Wednesday, 22 Aug 2018 | Views [117]

While I was still running the guest house in South Africa and Emma was teaching in Ethiopia, she came down to visit for the July/August holiday. Unfortunately a incompetent immigration official at OR Tambo airport had different ideas about our holiday ... Read more >

Photos: Bahir Dar

ETHIOPIA | Saturday, 24 Mar 2018 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: Kruger National Park

SOUTH AFRICA | Tuesday, 30 May 2017 | Photo Gallery

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Getting Morley House Ready to Open

SOUTH AFRICA | Monday, 26 Oct 2015 | Views [509]

October saw Steve's mum and dad once again head to Bathurst and once again it was not a holiday. Mind you they did have a few days holiday in Cape Town before heading to Morley House. We roped them into doing the final preparations for opening the ... Read more >

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