We didn't think there would be much that could top seeing a woman wearing a fitting Teeshirt with the word 'EASY' across her ample bossom (she worked in the store called Easy) but today we saw a girl in the supermarket wearing a shirt stating 'FORNECEDOR' (in Portuguese it means a furnisher, supplier or seller).
We still get a laugh from our Mexico picture of a sign stating the business was a 'Distributor of Baby Pooh' and the nightclub in Peru that was called 'Wankers'.
Some funny things we have seen:
on motorbikes
- A guy carrying a pile of 6 foot lengths across the foottray of his scooter, the lengths projected out about 2 1/2 feet either side of the bike,
- a couple carrying between them a double mattress. - 5 people on one bike. - A woman passenger carrying a huge tall flower decoration, very carefully.
- two guys carrying a couch (that one would have been a perfect pic for couchsurfing but it was so funny we forgot to take out the camera).
on mototaxis
- a huge truck tyre on the top of one,
- 30ft lengths of rebar tied on the roof dragging and sparking on the road behind.
- One driving along the road way out in the Amazon.