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Each journey begins with a single step... Two kiwis escaping from the island to explore strange new worlds and boldly go where thousands have gone before... . .


There are [208] photos and [18] stories about Ecuador

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Loja, Ecuador

Sunday, 28 Jun 2009 | Views [1587]

At Loja it took a few goes to find a taxi that would take the 4 of us and our packs to Diego's home, they all seemed fairly grumpy there. At last we found an intrepid individual and Kent managed to stuff 3 huge packs in the boot and took one on his ... Read more >

Gallery: Cuenca & Loja

Friday, 26 Jun 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Friday, 26 Jun 2009 | Views [1259]

Bussed to Cuenca where we couchsurfed with Patricio right near the town centre. When we arrived we accidentaly went to the wrong address and had to walk about 12 blocks to Patricio's house. He has a lovely house too and it was full of other couchsurfers, ... Read more >

Gallery: From Puyo back to Riobamba

Wednesday, 24 Jun 2009 | Photo Gallery

Bus trip thru the Amazon
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Macas and back to Riobamba and on to Cuenca

Wednesday, 24 Jun 2009 | Views [2483]

We thought we would take a different route south and planned to go to Macas by bus then across the National Parque to Guamote and on to Alausi where we wanted to catch a tourist train down the Devils Nose and back riding on the roof of the train then ... Read more >

Gallery: Volunteering near Puyo

Saturday, 20 Jun 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Volunteering at Fatima

Monday, 15 Jun 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Volunteering in Fatima and Zanjarajuno

Monday, 15 Jun 2009 | Views [3851] | Comments [1]

The bus from Riobamba took us thru Baños, which is a popular town where there are thermal springs and lots of touristy things to do. A strange name for a town, kinda like Te Teko near Rotorua...  However we did not stop here but continued ... Read more >

Gallery: Horse trek in the Chimborazo foothills

Sunday, 14 Jun 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Trekking in Riobamba

Saturday, 13 Jun 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Friday, 12 Jun 2009 | Views [1205]

We arrived from Quito after a four hour journey and ate a very late lunch while waiting to be picked up by our couchsurfing friend Wladimir (yes a russian name is quite common in these parts apparently). He grabbed us and another couple and we headed ... Read more >


Wednesday, 10 Jun 2009 | Views [884]

$2 each to bus to Quito in a bus that looked like a bordello! It had red seats and curtains and tassles everywhere. In Quito we wandered uphill from the terminal and asked at all the places right there and got a double room with baño for $8 at the ... Read more >

Gallery: Quito

Wednesday, 10 Jun 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Monday, 8 Jun 2009 | Views [886]

Our next stop was Otavalo (.43c ea on the bus from Ibarra), we had organised a couchsurf there or so we thought but in the end it didn't pan out and we had to look for a place to stay. We don't bother to go to the places listed in the Lonely Planet ... Read more >

Gallery: Otavalo

Monday, 8 Jun 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Ibarra

Sunday, 7 Jun 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Ipiales

Sunday, 7 Jun 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Ibarra, Ecuador

Sunday, 7 Jun 2009 | Views [1642]

We were dropped off by the bus on the outskirts of Ibarra and weren't very impressed with the look of the place. Add to that finding a hostel that was ropey to say the least and asking a lot more than we wanted to pay, we were wondering if it was a ... Read more >

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