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Each journey begins with a single step... Two kiwis escaping from the island to explore strange new worlds and boldly go where thousands have gone before... . .


There are [0] photos and [2] stories about Switzerland

Switzerland 5 - 8 /10

Friday, 8 Oct 2010 | Views [901]

5/10 - We entered Switzerland yet again (4th time) and followed the amazing sheer rock gorge of the Simplonpass. Kent was busy out taking pics of the fantastic rock walls and waterfalls when he fell heavily on his right hand, ... Read more >

Switzerland, Italy, Switzerland, Italy 2 - 5/10

Tuesday, 5 Oct 2010 | Views [809]

Ah magical Switzerland! As we haven't purchased a pass for the motorway we did all our driving on the more minor roads which are always much more interesting. We actually went in and out (= 1) of Switzerland 5 times but ... Read more >

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