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Ed in Oz Travels around the stations & pubs of Australia

So much, so little time !

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 5 Sep 2010 | Views [902] | Comments [2]

So much has happened since Quamby Rodeo and I will try to put it all down in order for you.   Two weeks after Quamby was the Mt Isa Rodeo.  This is the biggest rodeo in the southern hemisphere and kicks off on Friday night with a mardi gras street parade ... Read more >

Tags: boxing, fred brophy, mt isa, rodeo, sedan dip


AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 1 Aug 2010 | Views [899]

Well, the first of August and Quamby Rodeo has now been and gone, pre has started for next year, but what a great day it was this year.  We were getting ready down at the rodeo grounds for the week before the rodeo and on the day, it looked fantastic.... Read more >

Cloncurry Show

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 20 Jun 2010 | Views [1174] | Comments [4]

I've just got back from the Cloncurry Show and what a show.  Cattle, Horses, Chickens, Motor Bikes, Singers, Monster Trucks, Fireworks and more . . . We arrived yesterday lunchtime and the motorbikes were just getting started, they did some fantastic ... Read more >

German II

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 14 Jun 2010 | Views [566]

I had a speak to the German Wwoofer and I'm not sure if any of what I said went in.  The morning after I spoke to him, he was on the four wheeler, and managed, don't ask me how to crash it into the "town" car.  The four wheeler is written ... Read more >


AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 10 Jun 2010 | Views [750] | Comments [1]

Please not the title of this update.  German.  (Not Germans) Wwoofers are "Willing Workers On Organic Farms".  The idea is that backpackers come out to a station and do a small amount of work in return for their board and keep.  They get ... Read more >

Two Months

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 5 Jun 2010 | Views [828] | Comments [1]

I will start by apologising - i can't believe it's been two months since I last put a post on here.  I guess I've been even busier than I thought ! Where to start ? Well we have finished first round mustering.  That means we have mustered all the ... Read more >

Long Awaited Update

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 2 Apr 2010 | Views [899] | Comments [4]

Well hello again and sorry it has been so long since I last posted on here. Since my last update there has been so much happening and not enought time to update everything, but here is a quck roundup 1) The old smelly smoking man has gone !  Big ... Read more >

A whinge

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 18 Feb 2010 | Views [858] | Comments [4]

Well i wrote got the idea of this update at the weekend, but never got round to writing it.  I am now going to write it, with more added and in a lot less jolly mood . . . People that you should not live with 1) Liars I lived with one for most ... Read more >

Rain & More Rain

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 29 Jan 2010 | Views [540] | Comments [1]

Well, we are having a lazy day here at Jessievale today.  It started to rain about 3am and hasn't stopped yet.  It is only light rain, which means it is really soaking into the ground and making it really boggy all around the place. We have mustered ... Read more >

Not much news

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 22 Jan 2010 | Views [529] | Comments [1]

Well not too much has happend since I last wrote to you all. We did spend a good 5 hrs in a bog on day trying to get the car out ! i thought we could get through it, but turns out we couldn't ! Ended up getting pulled out. Wed haven't had any rain ... Read more >


AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 9 Jan 2010 | Views [538]

Just a quick note to let you know I have put on a couple of pictures from the storm last night.  More lightening than I have ever seen before, but unfortunatly on 6.5mm of rain !  It looks like we may get some more today though !! Hope all is well ... Read more >

Happy New Year

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 7 Jan 2010 | Views [592]

Well I have arrived back at Jessiebale to find a little water and a very slippy road !  Had a good fun drive back home last night through some showers, but made it safely and have spent the morning unpacking all my washing !! I hope you all saw in ... Read more >

Tags: christmas


AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 23 Dec 2009 | Views [796] | Comments [8]

Hello and Merry christmas to you all.  i thought i would show you a couple of pictures of were i am now (Airlie beach) and what i am upto, but before i upload these photos, i would like you to have a look at the Australian geographic website.  I have ... Read more >

Bit of pre-Christmas excitement

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 16 Dec 2009 | Views [945] | Comments [1]

Well afer no updates for a while two in a short space of time. We are now winding down for Christmas and have been fencing this week.  managed to do about 1km yesterday which isn't bad going really although it doesn't sound like a lot.  Had a beer ... Read more >

How time flys

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 10 Dec 2009 | Views [454]

I really didn't reaslise it had been so long since I put anything on here.  Sorry, but with me and my parents now having Skype I am able to ring and update them so not as much call for me to put things up, but I mussed contine as it is good to keep a ... Read more >

I Hit A Cow

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 25 Oct 2009 | Views [961] | Comments [4]

Hello all Well what a weekend !  On Saturday we (Me Charlie & The Kids) went fishing in a water hole on the Dougald River near Jessievale and had a great day, one or two beers and a bit of a swim.  I even caught a cat fish !  Today we went on ... Read more >

Busy Busy Busy

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 2 Oct 2009 | Views [652] | Comments [2]

Well I am now back at work, and can't I tell I've had 6 weeks off.  My shoulders,finfers arms and legs all ache !!  We have been bust mustering and sorking cattle this week and have had about 3000 head throught he yards.  It's been pretty full on with ... Read more >

On te Road again

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 14 Sep 2009 | Views [626] | Comments [3]

Back on a Greyhound now and heading back out to Jessievale.   The weather is hot hot hot and the roos were so think on the road last night.   The sun has just come up and the evidence is all over the roads !   Dead roos everywhere.   Unfortunatly ... Read more >

Back In Oz

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 11 Sep 2009 | Views [592] | Comments [1]

  Well I write this blog entry sitting outside the YHA in Brisbane in 25 degree heat !!!   It’s been clear blue sky since I arrived and I am having a ball.   Since I have been back I have spent most of my time with Charlotte having a look ... Read more >

Tags: riverfire

Thoughts on Home

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 9 Sep 2009 | Views [569] | Comments [1]

I really wanted to start this entry with a list of historic things that have happened while I have been at home, but the best I can come up with is that Oasis have split up. . . . sorry best I can do ! Well after 5 weeks back in the UK, what can ... Read more >

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