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Ed in Oz Travels around the stations & pubs of Australia

Back from the Outback

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 31 July 2007 | Views [1733] | Comments [1]

Well,  time has arrived to leave the outback and I have just stepped off a bus in Rocky after a 22hr journey !!  Good practice for the 22hr flight to come.

My last weekend in Cloncurry was spent at the Quamby Rodeo.  I was working and also took part in a couple of the events on the day.  I'll start from Friday - it was a long weekend, and as you all seem to be spotting the only time I have my camera is when I'm drunk.  This weekend was no exeption.

Friday day I was working at the rodeo grounds setting up for the big day on Saturday.  After the work was done we all retired to The Quamby Hotel for a beer or two (read too many)  Quamby is an old village and now has a population of just 4 people.  By about muidnight I was having a little trouble with my balance and managed somwhow ? to fall over and break a plastic table before retiring to bed for the early start on Saturday morning.

Arrived at the Rodeo around 7.30 and had a feed.  Found out what time my events were taking place and then sat back and watched the action.  9.30 arrived and it was time for me to take part int he "Wild Cow Ride"  For any of you that have ever seen bull riding thios is only one step down.  The aim is to stay on a bucking cow for 8 seconds.  I managed around 4 seconds.  There is a photo of me just after with my rope and spurs still on.  I did a little work on the day and saw most of the action including the Bull Riding, the Bronc Riding, Steer Wrestling, Greasy Pig Race, and then . . . .time for the main event of the day . . . the 18.30 "Wild Donkey Ride.  Again I was in the first heat.  The rules are simple

1. Start at your alocated gate. 

2. Run to the middle of the arena.

3. Put on a Poncoh and Sombrero

4. Run to the far side of the arena and drink a shot of Tequila and eat a cup full of beans.

5. Run back and jump over you gate.  Get on your donkey. 

6. The gate is opened and all you have to do is ride your donley to the half way line.  Quickest time wins. 

Unfortunatly I DNF as I along with half the field of 16 fell off their donkeys.

Auctgion time was next where the best lot was 2 $50 notes which sold for $350 dollars !

After a day of exertion guess where we went .....

Quamby Hotel for the after party.  It's around a 600m walk so we decided to drive.  Me, Henning (German), Scott (Pom) Camilla (Sweed) and Dave (Aussie) piled into the ute designed for two drove in third gear (it was impossible to change when we were so jammed in) out of the rodeo grounds and towards a police road block.  Henning driving was sober, but unfortunatly as well as being overloaded the ute was neither registered on roadworthy.  We decided best to turn back, so around 50m from the road block, we went over the ditch at the side of the road, over a log and over a steel fence post all in third gear remember back to the grounds and walked to the pub !

All that uin one weekend and I haven't even mentioned the camel races yet !!

Tags: Adrenaline



Hi Jolly Swagman, Wild Cow Rider,Wild Donkey Rider(can you tell the difference)and Champion Elbow Bender
Good to hear from you again and so pleased you have survived what sounds to have been a pretty scary few days. You really are quite mad!
We have sunshine in UK but we don't shout it out too loud.
Your famous boots have not arrived yet - do hope they arrive before too long, can you perhaps find out when they were despatched?
Off to Wetherby this weekend - A Hen party on the Ouse
and also a visit to Aldwark to finalise some details.
They have just started to roly poly bale part of the back field so you may well be in for some work when you arrive home!
Looking forward to your return Eddy.
Do take good care.
LOL Mum & Dad xx

  Mum & Dad Aug 1, 2007 5:09 AM



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