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Ed in Oz Travels around the stations & pubs of Australia

Wild Cow Ride 2 & Australia Day Celebrations

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 27 January 2008 | Views [1695] | Comments [5]

While mustering a couple of days ago, I managed to have my second wild cow ride.  Unfortunatly this time is was not planned.

We were pushing the cows into a small yard when one of the cow decided it didn't wan tot go.  Nothing unusual so far.  If you shout and wave your hand around they tend to decide that going forward is better than caming back.  Unfortunatly this cow decided that it really did want to comeback, notmatter how much noise there was.  It turned around, and from about half a meter afay ran towas me, without having time to move/think/realise what was happening, the cow had hit me in the stomach with its head and lifted me onto its neck, where I clung of for the length of the yard, (10m approx) before being trhown to the ground in the middle of some other cows.  I stayed on for about the same time as at the rodeo, and thankfully wasn't hurt.  All in a days work.

Yesterday was Australia Day and after a morning fixing a bore, I had lunch and went out checking waters on the motorbike.  Then last night, I went in to Quamby to soak up some true Australian celebrations.

The night started off well enough, with one or two cold beers on the grass.  The pub had set up a bungee rope & tied it to a fence.  the idea was to run as far and fast as you could to and put a marker on the floor.  By the time it was my turn, the benchmark was pretty high, and the bungee cord was on it's last legs.  I did pretty well at getting a long way from the fence, but not quite the furthest.  Dave had a go after me and the bungee cord snapped, not only making him go further than anyone else but also managing to slap him quite hard on his arse.  Things took a downward turn around 10pm when we headed inside the bar.  The music was playing, the beers were starting to become rums and the atmosphere was . . . jolly.  I was telling the Aussies that i was half Indian at the moment (Australia are playing India in the cricket) when somebody said something that I took offence too.  In order to show this person that i was offended, I had a fight . .  my first pub brawl.  Not one single punch was thrown, but two fire hoses were fired up and in the middle of the pub we had a water fight.  About 15 seconds after it started, almost everyone in the pub was dripping wet !!  Needless to say, I went to bed not long after !  Thismorning a have a sore head, and a dry throat.

The real station manager/owned is back tonight, and tomorrow we head 4 hrs south to another station to do some more mustering for a few days.

Tags: Party time



Dearest Eddy
You sound to have had rather an eventful week one way and another. I guess you were rather fortunate not to have been injured when you encountered the wild cow. Do take care Eddy we don't want any accidents. The horizontal bungee competition sounds good fun but the moral of the story is - try to do it earlier rather than later in the competition. Its a wonder you had any energy left for your antics in the evening.
We had a good time over Wetherby way on Friday. Phil was at Askham Bryan on a hedgelaying course which he really enjoyed. I spent a lovely day with Shirley, we walked down into Wetherby to look at the floods on the playing fields, quite extensive and they will take a long time to subside I think. If you need any water in Oz we have lots to spare here in UK. Then in the evening we went to the Wetherby Whaler with Shirley & Charles and Emmaj & Simon. Andy and Ms were involved in a play at church and so were unable to come which was a pity.
We have enjoyed looking at the photographs, a day in the life of! You certainly sound to work long hours. Do you still enjoy the outdoor life?
Can you check your emails at some stage as I am putting a message on there
Take good care Eddy and we look forward to hearing from you again soon.
Lots of Love Mum & Dad xxxxx

  Mum & Dad Jan 28, 2008 6:16 AM


Do you Hate Your Job?

When you have a "I Hate My Job" day, try this:

On your way home from work, stop at your pharmacy and go to the thermometer section and purchase a rectal thermometer made by Johnson & Johnson. Be very sure you get this brand.

When you get home, lock your doors, draw the curtains and disconnect the phone so you will not be disturbed.

Change into very comfortable clothing and sit in your favourite chair. Open the package and remove the thermometer. Now, carefully place it on a table or a surface so that it will not become chipped or broken.

Now the fun part begins. Take out the literature from the box and read it carefully. You will notice that in small print there is a statement:

"Every Rectal Thermometer made by Johnson & Johnson is personally tested and then sanitised ".

Now, close your eyes and repeat out loud five times,

" I am so glad I do not work in the thermometer quality control department at Johnson & Johnson."


  Skelly Jan 29, 2008 11:19 PM


Hi Eddy the Great
We have snow today and so plan a nice pottering about sort of day and will make a chilli for tea. The Six Nations rugby starts today so may well watch some of that although not sure of the schedule yet.
We have had a week of weather! Gale force winds and lashings of rain most days but now thankfully the winds have died down otherwise we would have drifting snow. We did manage a nice day out to Lytham and St Annes on Wednesday and enjoyed some nice walks. Lytham has some quite interesting shops and so we managed to have a circular walk which took in the shopping centre. Yesterday (Friday) a ferry boat was beached just along the coast near Cleveleys - looking at the pictures on TV it is very close to shore and at low tide looks as if you could get out to it. I think it was a commercial ferry and the containers onboard looked to have been tossed about like dinky toys. No injuries thankfully, just the problem of how to sort it out!
Re; Skells message above; it was essential (as a nurse) to know the difference between an oral and a rectal thermometer! Sorry to steal your thunder Skell.
Your reunion with Andy and Mel draws ever closer - we are excited for all of you. I am sure you will manage in a 2CV No problem!
Not much else at the moment. Hope all is well in OZ and do take care. Look at your emails again.
Lots of love Mum & Dad xxxx

  Mum & Dad Feb 2, 2008 8:41 PM


Hello Eddy
I see your training at HSBC in dealing with difficult customers has stood you in good stead for your encounter with the cow.You feel as if you have been punched in the stomach sometimes when you have dealt with an awkward customer.
Life is certainly different out there in Oz,the warmth certainly appeals at the moment, wind,snow and rain is our lot presently.
I have been busy working the pay programme yet again in the last few weeks, a name appeared which I am sure I knew, Edward Bird, any relation, unfortunately I couldn't give him a pay rise or bonus. Someone told me that he had seen the light and left for sunnier climates!
It's good to hear that you are enjoying life, Sue and Philip keep us up to date.
Take care
Charles and Shirley

  Charles & Shirley Feb 3, 2008 3:53 AM


ihope the ride was fun.

by the way why are you good at maths but you suck at spelling

  Marshall McMillan Apr 2, 2008 6:24 PM



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