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Ed in Oz Travels around the stations & pubs of Australia

A whinge

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 18 February 2010 | Views [862] | Comments [4]

Well i wrote got the idea of this update at the weekend, but never got round to writing it.  I am now going to write it, with more added and in a lot less jolly mood . . .

People that you should not live with

1) Liars

I lived with one for most of last year and you get to the point where you don't want to talk to them anymore.  They make up stories to try and impress you and as soon as they open their mouths you start not to listen beacuse they are lying.

2 People with No Money.  

When someone is told not to come back to work until after the wet (mid march) and they arrive second week of January and then complain that they have no work you do get a bit frustrated.  We have had this happen this year and are now sharing the quarters with a 72yo Grader/dozer driver that is unable to work because it's too wet.  He sits in the quarters all day watching tv and does absolutly nothing else.  It really pisses me off.

3. Dirty People

See number two for the person I am talking about.  When I fiirst started at Jessievale, we used to lean the quarters about once every 10 days.  It was never spotless, but was always pretty clean and tidy.  Now we are cleaning almost everyday after work, even though there is somebody here all day every day that is quite able to pick up a brush and sweep the floor.  We are having to clean up his mess and he doesn't even seem to notice let alone care.  You have to tell him not to wear his boots inside the house.  He rolls his tabacco and drops it on the floor never bothering to pick it up.  I swaer I will sell the f++++ng stuff back to him one day.

4. Smokers

They spend more time smoking than doing work, they drop their tabacco on the floor and some of them smell.  The one we currently have here arrived while I was away and started smoking inside.  I asked him not too, even setting him up a chair on the veranda with an ash tray at the side.  He now closes his door and smokes in his room - he must think I am stupid.  He stinks when he comes out of his room and even when out are near the outside wall of his room you can smell it.  The last one used to leave his tab ends all over the place - plant pots on the steps, by the phone.  Tney are just dirty. 

Well thats enough whinging for one day.




& I thought life in Oz was all rosey mate!!! Just kick off and tell him straight - even better just tell him to go and smoke in his f*****g dozer. Either that or dip his fags in petrol - that'll learn him when he sparks up!!! God Im evil sometimes. Anyway keep you're head up and dont let it get to you. Take care and speak soon. Love Andy, Em, Sparrow & Scamp -x-x-x-x-

  Andy Bird Feb 19, 2010 4:56 AM


Hi Eddy

It's good to have a good winge at times, we seem to have one most days at you know where at least we can walk away at the end of the day. Andrews suggestion has definate possibilities, what about those pellets you can buty from a joke shop and the end of the cig explodes ! it is only a small bang but effective.
Sorry to hear you are still held up by the rain. We had a lovely day yesterday, cold but the sun shone all day and we were out in the garden for most of the day, then today we have about 3 inches of snow which fell within a few hours, so we are housebound today.
Never mind it gives us chance to catch up with a few things. Shirley has become hooked on EBay and spends hours on a night going through so many different sitesm her computer skills have come on in leaps and bounds within a month. Havn't managed to set paypal up though so we have to use our subsiduary companies Andrew and Simon!
We boyh hope you will be able to get out and about shortly and back to normal.

Take care

Charles and Shirley

  Charles and Shirley Feb 21, 2010 11:35 PM


Ed Do you know where I have put the scissors?? I just cannot find anything anymore! Almost time for us to move on now - and then we hope to have lots more free time. Have seen a little of the Winter Olympics which we have really enjoyed but would have liked to have watched much more.
We are ready for our next adventure in life and will ofcourse keep you informed - every step of the way.
take real good care.
LOL Mum & DAd xxxx

  Mum & Dad Feb 22, 2010 6:52 AM


Hi Ed & Charlie
Well we have now been in Tockwith for two weeks and really enjoying life over here. The Barn is just fitting the bill for us at the present - plenty of room to store things which we do not necessarily need to unpack at the moment plus good big wardrobes in the bedrooms. The lounge area is quite large but working very well. Shirley and Charles have so kindly lent us their dining table and chairs (we went round there last night for a Mother's day meal and we had to eat it off the floor!!) not true ofcourse - they have bought a larger table and some more chairs and the meal was simply delicious. Andy & Ms Si & Emmaj and Emmas Mum wrre there too so it was really good to be together and then not to have to drive all the way back to Halifax.
We are with Andy and Ms again at the moment and Dad is helping Andy with one or two jobs outside - the weather is super today and it looks more promising that Spring is on the way - we are all certainly ready for it as its been a long long winter.
We have been out and about and have taken the bus from Tockwith into York on a couple of occasions (free with our bus passes and no parking problems)
We were in Scarborough one day and then in Whitby on Friday so its nice to see the sea again too. Tockwith is a lovey village and everyone is so kind and friendly.
All in all we are very happy indeed.
We are looking to buy of course but have taken The Barn on a six month term so are just getting into the swing of things at the moment.
Our computer is rather slow at the moment and not just sure how good the signal is so Skype does not seem quite as good as it was at home - but then if you do not have a good signal either that doubles the problem, Anyway I am sure things will improve as time goes on.
Are Tom's sister and her friend still planning on coming to the UK - if so when might that be - and if so we do have a spare room and would love to have them to stay so do let them know
How long were you at Clio? And did you have a busy time there.
Ms is getting along ever so well and we are all greatly looking forward to the safe arrival of Sparrow - won't be too long now.
Shirley and Charles are well too so all in all we are all very happy and enjoying life.
Do hope its the same for you and Charlie - how is the driving going Charlie.
We are away in Shropshire next weekend - an ealier than usual reunion so greatly looking forward to thaHope we will be back in more regular touch and take really good care.
With our love as always. Mum Dad Ms Andy Sparrow and Scamp xxxxxx

  Mum & Dad Mar 14, 2010 11:29 PM



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