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Ed in Oz Travels around the stations & pubs of Australia

Long Awaited Update

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 2 April 2010 | Views [909] | Comments [4]

Well hello again and sorry it has been so long since I last posted on here.

Since my last update there has been so much happening and not enought time to update everything, but here is a quck roundup

1) The old smelly smoking man has gone !  Big celebration on that one !

2) We have now branded around 1000 calves so far (told you we had been busy)  We have mustered all the paddocks on Mt Roseby station and got all the calves and weaners drafted and branded which is pretty good going.

3) We have mustered 3 paddocks on Jessievale and ended up with around 3000 head in the yards - take a look at the photos on here to see us walking them to the yards and in the yards.

4)  I have attended a 'Horse School' where I learnt better riding techniques and also breaking in horses.  It was really good - 2 and a half days on a horse with a teacher and it only cost about GBP23 in total !  Can't complain at that !

5)  Last weekend we were at the Cloncurrry races.  I was driving, but still enjoyed the day.  It was nice and warm, but not too sunny so didn't get sunburnt !  Didn't win any monet either.

We have also spent sometime down at Clio & Wetherby mustering and loading roadtrains down there so haven't really had too much time to myself for a good month !  Today (Good Friday) we have a day off and had planned to go to the dam and do some fishing, but it has been raining all day, so have been inside all day watching flims on the TV !  This rain is the tail end of a cyclone that was in the NT last week - no wind now, but still plenty of rain.  Another Cyclone hit Airlie beach a couple of weeks back and with it didn't cause too much major damage a few boats were lost in the harbour and some trees blown down.  I was in Airlie beach over Christmas so didn't miss it by too much ! 

Check out the latest photos and a happy Easter to you all





Hello Eddy ACIB HORS DIP with honours

Hope you and Charlie are keeping well, well done on passing your recent training course, we were out with Sue and Philip yesterday and they were telling us about the recent course you have attended. Hope you have arranged for your business cards to be updated !
We had super day yesterday as I mentioned earlier with Sue and Philip, we went to the theatre in York to see Dad's Army and aftrerwards we went to the Wetherby Whaler for tea, it was our Xmas present from Andrew and Emma. In the morning we went to the railway museum and had a super picnic on the platform prepared by Sue.
We had to arrange for Philip to have a day off as he is busy working with Andrew installing a new bathroom. I think he has to start a bit earlier and stay later to make the time up !
Pleased to hear you missed the the cyclone and have only had the rain, we heard about it on the radio and saw it on the T,V no wwhere seams safe nowadays with the weather /global warmng
Emma is keeping really well and time is certainly marching on and baby sparrow will be hear before we know it, the sewing machine and knitting needles are working ten to the dozen at the moment. Hope you have got casted on and are busy clicking on an evening every contribution will be greatly received, a scarf will be just fine for winter, part of your uncle duites,Simon hasn't made much progress and I had to give up, I didn't pass the Shirley / Sue quality control test and Phil failed also.
We hear that Charlie is starting a new job shortly, we hope it all goes well for her.

Take care

Charles and Shirley

  Charles and Shirley Apr 5, 2010 5:19 AM


Hi Ed & Charlie
T'was really good to read your update and yes you do indeed sound to have had a very busy time - here there and everywhere and we really enjoyed the photographs especially the full rainbow - that is a brilliant one. Good also to see the mustering from the air - makes it easier to see exactly what you do as a RFTTE. You sure have got many strings to your bow now Eddy and its good to see you still supporting HSBC as you are busy catching fish instead of counting money! Glad to hear you enjoyed your horse course and we are sure you learnt quite abit to fine tune your skills.
The athroom is progressing slowly and no that is not a spelling mistake! Aj & Ms have got all the things to go into the bathroom but the bath is not the one they ordered and as its been a Bank Holiday it has held things up abit to say the least. They have taken everything out of the room and the new things are going back in different places so it is a major job. The bath is the first thing to install and all the levels depend on this so it has been very frustrating for them - anyway I am sure it will all work out fine in the end but its taking longer than expected. Not to worry once the bath comes things should move on pretty quickly.
As Charles says Ms is keeping well and we are all getting really excited now - not long to go.
We love living here in Tockwith in The Barn. Still feel to be on holiday actually. Andy & Ms come round each evening for a shower or bath so its nice to be able to help out.
There are some lovely walks in the area and we have got more free time to just go round the block whenever we fancy. Also use our bus passes and 25 mins. later we are in the centre of York so taking advantage of that and really enjoy it.
We speak to Peter & Jo who bought The Croft and they are very happy up there too so that is good.
We hope Charlie enjoys her new job, she sounds to have mixed feelings about leaving but I am sure everything will go well for her, certainly hope so.
Sorry about Skype - not sure what the problem is but we cannot speak to anyone at the moment so will have to try and get it sorted.
Si & Emj called in yesterday on their way to Holly Trees, they wish to be remembered to you.
Its not been too bad weatherwise over the Easter period but the land around here is very wet indeed. The farm here breed beef cattle and they are still under cover at the moment waiting for the grass to grow. I do think the trees are just beginning burst into leaf but we could do with a bit more warmer sunshine to speed things up.
Remember us to everyone and take good care Ed (Phil noticed you had a bandage on your knee in one of the phtographs - hope that is not too serious ( Spit on it)))
Lots of love Mum & Dad xxxxx

  Mum & Dad Apr 6, 2010 5:39 AM


Hi Eddy
Well we have just had 3/4 days of baking hot sunshine and its been great but we have reverted today / just when we were getting used to it. Hope that was not the sum total of the summer!
All very well here in Tockwith - we go out for walks most days and have even taken to the saddle again - bike not horse! Its such a good place to cycle around here so its very inviting.
The bathroom is now finished and was officially opened at the weekend and it is super. A right smart job as Pop would have said!
We have had lots of visitors of late including Georgie & Mel yesterday who are over from US for 3/4 weeks. It was good to catch up with them again and they were keen to hear about you ofcourse. Michael is now engaged and they hope to marry in San Diego in June 2012 so that is good news.
Andy & Ms are both well - we enjoyed a BBQ around there at the weekend. Scamp was about trying to catch the birds - she is so funny but a little hot under all that fur.
Ms gave up work on Friday 21st and Sparrow is due 28th so she has done really well but will welcome a rest now I guess.
Tomorrow we are hoping to go into Knaresborough as its market day so looking forward to that.
We were over in Haworth a couple of weekends ago at the 1940's event which was very good. Mel was there - pride of place of course with the Matador standing proud.
He was keen to hear how you were as was Jeff.
Last Thursday everyone came here for tea that's Shirley Charles Andy Ms and Sparrow and then we went round to church to the annual production by the Drama group. It was ever so good but such a long long trek home - across the road!
Hope Charlie is OK and that you will enjoy the Quamby Rodeo - cannot just remember when you said that was.
Not much other news at the moment but hope the postman has dropped some mail for you in the oil drum recently.
Take real good care and hope to hear from you soon.
Lots of love Mum & Dad :-))))))))))))))))xx

  Mum & Dad May 26, 2010 5:36 AM


Hello Eddy

Thought we would log on and wish you a happy birthday, hope the card has arrived, we have put a little something in your account for the mineral water (lager) for a celebratory toast or two on the day. We have just come back from the hospital seeing baby William Oscar, he is a super little chap and is Andrews double, the proud parents and grandparents are doing very well. Emma can't wait to come home so hopefully she will be out on Sunday.
Hope you and Charlie are ok

All the best

Charles and Shirley

  charles and shirley May 30, 2010 3:50 AM



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