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Ed in Oz Travels around the stations & pubs of Australia

I Hit A Cow

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 25 October 2009 | Views [974] | Comments [4]

Hello all

Well what a weekend !  On Saturday we (Me Charlie & The Kids) went fishing in a water hole on the Dougald River near Jessievale and had a great day, one or two beers and a bit of a swim.  I even caught a cat fish ! 

Today we went on a tour around Ernest Henry Mine.  We left Jessievale at 7am and went to Mt Roseby to pick up Brandon (another ringer).  On the way we passed a few cattle on the road as we always do.  Generally when you get close to the cattle you drive either in between them ar to one side and get them to run off the road.  On this occasion, the cdattle all ran off the road nicely and into the trees . . . all except one, that decided rather than run into the trees it would run back onto the road a a 90 degree angle to the car.  We were doing around 65km p/h and simply didn't have time to stop.  We hit the cow on the near side fron of the bull bar.  The bull bar bent onto the bonnet of the car and ben the wing. 

Thankfully the damage wasn't enought to put the car our of action and we continued on the the mine. 

It this and open cut copper mine and the hole is 490m deep !! Very very deep.  The trucks tires are 3.5m tall and cost $35000 each.  Thats about GBP17000 !  It really is mining on a massive scale.  Take a look at the pictures.

This week we a mustering and branding all week so will be pretty tired next time I write to you all.

Hope all is well in the UK

Love Ed




Hi Eddy & Charlie
Guess you will be busy this week - if you need a hand just give us a shout! Hope all is well with you both anyway. We are fine. We had a great weekend with Shirley & Charles - taking in Simon's Cricket presentation dinner and dance which was very good - a good day at the Pickering 1940's event (Shirley bought a fur coat whilst we were there!) (well nearly)We had a very comfortable stay at the Royal Oak at Gillamoor. Lovely evening meal and then we took part in the pub quiz which was good fun. A nice lazy breakfast and then visited a Nat. Trust property near Helmsley which was very interesting. We then called in to see Aj & Ms - they had just returned from their holiday and looked really well. Called a the W.W. to round the weekend off, and felt to have been away for ages. Unfortunately Charles had a sprained ankle which was rather painful but he did very well and soldiered on.
My eyes are champion. A great success and my distance vision is excellent, but I think I will need specs for close work. I am actually wearing a pair which were off the shelf for £1.99 just to push me on until I can have my eyes tested in about 6 weeks.
Today I have been down to see Helen Roberts and she wishes to be remembered to you.
The trees are very colourful at the moment but the leaves are fluttering down quickly now - winter not far away.
Hope all is well at Jessievale. The last twice we have contacted you via Skype have been really good. I do hope you have not sent Charlie out on to the roof with the aerial!!
That's all for now so take good care and hope to speak to you again soon. Take real good care.
Lots of love. Mum & Dad xxxx

  Mum & Dad Oct 28, 2009 7:15 AM


Hi Eddy
Must tell you - some of the Jessievale Cattle have escaped and I know where they are!!!
Lol Mum & Dad xxxx

  Mum & Dad Oct 30, 2009 6:53 AM


I notice you've been out mining. Have you seen my brother? He's in Mt ISA at the moment.
Well we may even catch up with you shortly. I believe that Cloncurry is between Townsville and Mt ISA. We're due in Townsville at the beginning of December.
Just try to avoid the animals the're very valuable unless of course you may be vegetarian.
Hope to see you soon

  John Nov 10, 2009 5:39 AM


Hi Ed
Sorry to hear that you have lost internet connection and hope it will be fixed very soon. Just seen the new photographs and was horrified to see your poorly toe, do hope by the time you pick this entry up it will be alot better Ed. Do look after yourself. What about the Olive Python - how brave are you!!
Are the mustering pictures taken at Clio - the terrain does not look too bad there.
Guess you will be missing Charlie but the time will fly by and you will soon be together again in Rocky.
We hear Oz has fire problems again down in the south - do hope they will soon be under control.
Meantime in UK there are massive problems in the Lake District. More than 14 inches of rain fell around the Workington area, dreadful scenes, it has washed entire bridges away and as a result every bridge is closed until it has been checked.
There was a water main burst near the bottom of Ploughcroft and the main road has been closed for 5 days resulting in all the traffic coming along Swales Moor in both directions. We have requested a bus stop outside the gates!
Andy and Ms are fine and really enjoying their new home.
All for now and hope all is OK with you. Take good care.
Lots of love Mum & Dad xxx

  Mum & Dad Nov 25, 2009 6:17 AM



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