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Ed in Oz Travels around the stations & pubs of Australia


AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 26 Sep 2007 | Views [338]

Well what a hectic time !!  We are now in Sydney having 'done' Perth and Melbourne in record time.  Also been round my first ever art gallary (and no that's not the name of a pub) there were paintings in it and everything !!  Seen the MCG (Melbourne ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing

We've got to Perth

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 21 Sep 2007 | Views [406] | Comments [1]

Hello again ! Just to let you all know we have now arrived in Perth and have been having a good look around.  We are going to Scarborough today for some surfing and relaxing (getting over all the running around at home) Hope you are all well in the ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Back In The UK

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 29 Aug 2007 | Views [1131] | Comments [2]

Just to let all that I have not seen know, I am back in the UK for a month.  Friday 24th August was my Brothers wedding day and he and his bride both looked wonderful.  Iwill be here in the UK cathcing up with as many people as possible over the next ... Read more >

Tags: Friends

Last Entry Until Singapore

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 8 Aug 2007 | Views [456] | Comments [1]

Well, tomorrow will be my last day in Australia before I fly home for the first time.  For everyone reading this in Australia I would like to thank you all for the hospitality you have all shown me over the last 8 months.  Visit Oz thanks for sorting ... Read more >

Tags: Friends

Camel Races

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 3 Aug 2007 | Views [948] | Comments [2]

OK For all the things that Australia is famous for and in the interest of education, I am going to tell you a couple of facts. 1) Australia has the most camels of any country in the world. 2) Australia has the only wild camels in the world. Consider ... Read more >

Tags: Adrenaline

Back from the Outback

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 31 Jul 2007 | Views [1724] | Comments [1]

Well,  time has arrived to leave the outback and I have just stepped off a bus in Rocky after a 22hr journey !!  Good practice for the 22hr flight to come. My last weekend in Cloncurry was spent at the Quamby Rodeo.  I was working and also took part ... Read more >

Tags: Adrenaline

Have a look at You Tube

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 30 Jul 2007 | Views [1214] | Comments [1] | Video

Just a quick update to let you all know my Wild Cow Ride is now available on Youtube.  Follow the link below to see me in all my glory ! Ed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_G_-9DZuh-M also for those of you that were on the stag do, you can see ... Read more >

Tags: Adrenaline

A Couple of Yarns - Eat your heart out Peter Kay

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 23 Jun 2007 | Views [1788] | Comments [10]

Just thought I should tell you a couple of stories about some of the guys that work in NW Queensland while I remember. No 1 After a long Tuesday night in Quamby pub, a Aussie fella and a German fella decided to drive home.  They were both pretty ... Read more >

Tags: Laughter

Still in cold Curry

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 17 Jun 2007 | Views [988] | Comments [3]

Hello All Sorry for not putting comments on sooner. I am still working away in Cloncurry and have almost finished the cattle yards I have been helping to build.  It's a big job.  A couple of weeks back 700 cattle were loaded onto roadtrains and sent ... Read more >

Tags: Work

4th Biggest City In The World

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 11 May 2007 | Views [1033] | Comments [12]

Hi All Hope all is going well back home.  I have a day off today & have managed to get to the fourth biggest city in the world (Area not population).  Mt Isa is the closest city to Cloncurry, and has a mine right in the middle of the town.  I ... Read more >

Tags: Work

Cloncurry - but no curry :-(

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 23 Apr 2007 | Views [886] | Comments [5]

Hi all, Back to work today in North West Queensland, in the hottest place in Oz.  Not nightlife hot, but temprature hot (53.1 Degrees) Cloncurry holds the record for the hottest day ever in OZ.  Today will be a more managable 35 degrees.  If you find ... Read more >

Tags: The Great Outdoors

Ironic Eh

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 11 Apr 2007 | Views [598] | Comments [4]

Today was the first day in Cairns when it didn't rain, and I had booked a tour of the rainforest !  Told you it was ironic. Anyway, the tour was not only to see the rainforest, but to learn a little about Aboriginal culture, and go a a cable car ride ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

I Found Nemo

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 10 Apr 2007 | Views [500] | Comments [1]

Hey Everyone, Firstly - John, thanks for the message, I'll have to find another SA person to translate.  Die Dop Is Goed though !! Been on a fishing charter and caught nothing ... Also been to the Great Barrier Reef, and seen Nemo.  Unfortunatly, ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Crikey - Guess where I've been

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 4 Apr 2007 | Views [1192] | Comments [1]

You've got it, I've been to Australia Zoo. "Crikey Mate - Get A Load Of That" etc etc. Seen a show in the Crocoseum with Snakes, Birds, and of course the Crocs.  Apparently they rule ! Also seen tigers chilling out in the sun, and elephants ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing

Don't want to make you green but ....

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 24 Mar 2007 | Views [596] | Comments [6]

Today, I have had pancakes for my breakfast, got the bus up the Pacific Highway to Surfers Paradise (they really have a place called that)  Saw a swimwear competition, got the bus back to the YHA, hired a board, and had the afternoon in the water which ... Read more >

Tags: Beaches & sunshine

Made it . but no photos

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 21 Mar 2007 | Views [520] | Comments [2]

Hi again, Made it to the beach, but misplaced my camera so no photos of the clear blue sky, clear sea, and great surf yet.  I think my camera must still be in Rocky, and if it is I will get it later in the week via the post system !!  If not I'll get ... Read more >

Tags: Beaches & sunshine

Finished Work

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 19 Mar 2007 | Views [481] | Comments [4]

There are some new photos on the blog now so you can see where I have been working for the last couple of months. I've now finished work in Marlborough and am heading to Coolangatta tomorrow to do some surfing for a week.  I will then head up to Cairns ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

What a Great Weekend

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 11 Mar 2007 | Views [758] | Comments [5]

Back in Rocky for the weekend.  Friday night was a quite one in the local, but managed to get rather drunk. Woke at 10 on Saturday to clear blue skys, 30 degree heat and a light wind. Went out shopping and got back to the pub for 11 and was told .. ... Read more >

Tags: Beaches & sunshine


AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 17 Feb 2007 | Views [634] | Comments [6]

Hi again ! Back in Rocky awaiting the arrival of friends, so an extended weekend this weekend (More Rum & Coke) Been a busy week mustering and branding cattle this week and I've been horse riding and getting quite good if I do say so myself !! ... Read more >

Tags: Work

I'm Back

UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 11 Feb 2007 | Views [643] | Comments [3]

Hi All Sorry it's been so long but I've been having trouble with getting on the internet on my brief visits to town. I am still in Rockhampton for another couple of weeks on a Cattle property up here, and nice to hear so many of you are going to be ... Read more >

Tags: Work

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