Back on a Greyhound now and heading back out to Jessievale. The weather is hot hot hot and the roos were so think on the road last night. The sun has just come up and the evidence is all over the roads ! Dead roos everywhere. Unfortunatly when there are so many the bus drivers can’t help but hit them, which means one of two things. Firstly the roos come across the road & the driver doesn’t have time to react and hits them at around 60mph. While this does no harm to the bus due to the bull/roo bar, it does make quite a loud bang, and if you have managed to get to sleep wakes you up again. The other scenario is that the driver does see the roo and hits the breaks to try and give the roo time to move off the road and stop the loud 60mph collision. However, if for example you are laying across two, or even four seats snoozing and the driver hits the breaks you end up falling of your seat and onto the floor with the final outcome of on roo possibly saved, but 10 or so passengers in various forms of being stuck under seats. I think the drivers do it on purpose !
We are going to be stopping at Blackall shortly for breakfast and a leg stretch, and also a much needed toilet stop – if I go on the bus I end up peeing on my feet. It’s also Charlottes birthday today and can you think of a better way to spend your birthday than sitting on a bus which in a few hours is going to be too hot, too cramped and with the prospect of another 9hrs to go. It’s a 24hr journey from Brisbane to Cloncurry !
The driver (the fourth one on this journey) has promised to put a film on after breakfast so I will get some sleep with that is on. I managed to watch about 25mins of Shrek the Third yesterday evening before having the best hours of sleep on the entire journey, only waking up when we stopped and when the credit rolled.