Well I write this blog entry sitting outside the YHA in Brisbane in 25 degree heat !!! It’s been clear blue sky since I arrived and I am having a ball.
Since I have been back I have spent most of my time with Charlotte having a look around Brisbane and seeing some of the sights again. Brisbane has changed so much – lots of building happening, but still a really nice city.
Today we met up with Big Will Kenyon – look him up on world nomads (bigwill-kenyon) and had a beer with him. Tonight we are meeting up with Annabelle, Nikki, and Tash for a meal and then tomorrow evening is riverfire. Fireworks and fighter jets over the Brisbane River. We will be meeting up with Julie & Justine McMillian who will hopefully show us the best place to see it from ! We will also meet up with Ross if he gets his ass into gear and arrives intime !
Wednesday night we went out for a meal and had steak that had been slow cooked for 18hrs before being finished to your taste on the grill. It was one of the most tender steaks I have ever had.
I have put some photos on of general views of Brisbane and will put some on of Riverfire too.
Hope all is well in the UK.