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Ed in Oz Travels around the stations & pubs of Australia

Back In Oz

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 11 September 2009 | Views [618] | Comments [1]


Well I write this blog entry sitting outside the YHA in Brisbane in 25 degree heat !!!  It’s been clear blue sky since I arrived and I am having a ball. 

Since I have been back I have spent most of my time with Charlotte having a look around Brisbane and seeing some of the sights again.  Brisbane has changed so much – lots of building happening, but still a really nice city.

Today we met up with Big Will Kenyon – look him up on world nomads (bigwill-kenyon) and had a beer with him.  Tonight we are meeting up with Annabelle, Nikki, and Tash for a meal and then tomorrow evening is riverfire.  Fireworks and fighter jets over the Brisbane River.  We will be meeting up with Julie & Justine McMillian who will hopefully show us the best place to see it from !   We will also meet up with Ross if he gets his ass into gear and arrives intime !

Wednesday night we went out for a meal and had steak that had been slow cooked for 18hrs before being finished to your taste on the grill.  It was one of the most tender steaks I have ever had.

 I have put some photos on of general views of Brisbane and will put some on of Riverfire too.


Hope all is well in the UK.


Tags: riverfire



Hi Ed & Charlie
Well we had a slow cooked steak last night but not by design! We had had a really beautiful day, ever so warm and so decided to have a bbq. As per usual we were somewhat late lighting the charcoal, it took ages to warm up, the weather was turning cooler and we were getting more and more hungry. Anyway the resulting steak tasted really good and was washed down with an odd glass of wine or three.
We had an excellent day out in Derbyshire and Cheshire on Friday taking in a couple of Nat. Trust properties. They were most interesting and the weather was delightful. I will attempt to email some pictures shortly.
We hope your plans worked out well in Brisbane and that you enjoyed they River Fire round about the Storey Bridge I guess. Yes Brissy looks to be growing ever upwards. The picture of the church hiding beneath the high rise blocks looks similar to the one we spied out of our hotel room window - do you remember that? Hope you managed to meet up with all your pals and that you had a good time together.
Not much other news to tell and I guess you might now be on a Greyhound heading North to Cloncurry. I have forwarned the area to warn them of your return!! Do hope the Skype works well from your quarters and that you do not have to sit on the roof.
Anyway take good care of each other and have a safe journey back to Jessievale.
With ou love Mum & Dad xx

  Mum & Dad Sep 13, 2009 8:13 PM



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