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There are [11] photos and [15] stories about USA

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little russia?

Sunday, 17 Aug 2008 | Views [686]

A day bus tride to Belgrade, Serbia took us 7 hours with the intention of catching an overnight train to Bucherest the same day from Belgrade. We met a nice guy from Cour d Alene Idaho named Taylor on the bus to Belgrade. He had been living in Seattle ... Read more >

bullet holes and beef

Sunday, 17 Aug 2008 | Views [577]

We arrived at 5am at the bus station in Sarajevo after an exhausting no sleep bus ride from Split, Croatia. We did not know where we were staying and at 5am nothing in Sarajevo is open. So we did what any good traveler does in this stituation, we wandered ... Read more >

which way to Vis...

Wednesday, 13 Aug 2008 | Views [692]

While in Zadar Jessica met a Croatian in a book store from the island of Vis. She asked her where a Croatian should go while traveling in the country and she told us the island of Vis. It turns out we were already thinking of going there so it made it ... Read more >

Pula me to Zadar

Tuesday, 12 Aug 2008 | Views [533]

Arrive in Pula from Budapest, dazed and confused from a long bus journey complete with so so a/c and a massive tire blowout. We found a hostel campsite and pitched our tent. turns out this was a nice campsite with a small noise problem, namely young ... Read more >

Ukraine is not weak!!

Sunday, 13 Jul 2008 | Views [704] | Comments [1]

Arrived overnight into Kiev from Moscow to a crazy train station and sort of good sleep from the train bed. Our host for Kiev was named Andrii and until then had a hard time getting in touch with him so we had been contacting other people to couchsurf ... Read more >

Where is Lenin's brain?

Monday, 7 Jul 2008 | Views [563]

Moscow- Red square, Lenin's body, Kremlin, changing of the guard, and nouvo riche! Moscow was big, big and expensive but very cool to be in the heart of former communist rule. However, one must not forget old habits die hard. Like not laying on ... Read more >

Gallery: Roma/Finland

Monday, 30 Jun 2008 | Photo Gallery

2nd leg
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Fun with Finns

Monday, 30 Jun 2008 | Views [563]

we landed at 4am in Helsinki, or was it 4pm? Not sure because the sun was shining. Wait it was defintely 4am because Jessica and I were both tired and crabby. Grabbed the luggage, a cab and headed to our first Couchsurfing hosts apartment in Helsinki.... Read more >

Gallery: 1st leg

Sunday, 22 Jun 2008 | Photo Gallery

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The Italian Job

Sunday, 22 Jun 2008 | Views [451] | Comments [4]

After the usual joys of flying a US air carrier (btw I became a person of suspicion after using the business class restroom according to the head flight attendant-hmmm, NWA or TSA?)I made it to Italy and Florence. Mercifully Jessica met me at the train ... Read more >

last stop (in the US)-idaho

Monday, 16 Jun 2008 | Views [410] | Comments [1]

we made it across iowa, nebraska, through colorado up to salt lake city and stopped at boise, idaho. Jessica and I arrived on June 12 spent a day re-arranging my new storage space, drove through the Sawtooth mountains (sort of) in the 1968 Porsche 912 ... Read more >

Gallery: westward ho

Monday, 16 Jun 2008 | Photo Gallery

iowa, nebraska, denver, salt lake and idaho
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It takes two to makes things go right...

Saturday, 10 May 2008 | Views [514]

As I mentioned in my first entry I met a wonderful travel partner who just so happens to share the same dream of traveling the world. In fact, her dream was already in motion when I met her as she has now moved to Italy to study design. She left in January ... Read more >

Devil is in the details

Thursday, 1 May 2008 | Views [564]

So you decided to travel around the world, great. Now what? Oh, not much except the important task of shutting down your current life and starting a new one. 1. Resign from job-check 2. Get moving company-check 3. Figure out budget for next few ... Read more >

Any way forward

Wednesday, 23 Apr 2008 | Views [494]

Deciding to travel around the world was the easy part. Deciding what to do next was much more difficult. In the span of about four months I turned down two perfectly good jobs, gained a wonderful travel companion (more on her later) and decided to ... Read more >

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