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Trip: Greenbacks in Cambodia

There are [3] stories from my trip: Greenbacks in Cambodia

Gallery: Siem Reap 3

CAMBODIA | Tuesday, 14 Oct 2008 | Photo Gallery

ANgkor Wat
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Angkor Wat???

CAMBODIA | Tuesday, 14 Oct 2008 | Views [759]

After making it to a guesthouse on our "free" tuk-tuk ride I settled into a room with a Canadian woman I met named Brooke. We split the costs which saved us each four dollars. May not seem like much but that can be a nights lodging at a guesthouse.... Read more >

Life from the back of a moto

CAMBODIA | Saturday, 11 Oct 2008 | Views [604]

I arrived after a blissfully short flight from Vientianne at Phnom Pehn airport and quickly walked outside to catch a moto into town. I bargained hard and got one for $1. Little did I know that the dollar is king in Cambodian so much so that all ATMs ... Read more >

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