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Here, there, everywhere... A modest attempt at chronicling my around the world adventure over the next year (or so).

Trip: too close for comfort..south africa part 2

There are [2] stories from my trip: too close for comfort..south africa part 2

You can pee on a jellyfish sting!-South Africa part 3

SOUTH AFRICA | Saturday, 28 Feb 2009 | Views [2337]

These are mostly Jessica's words instead of mine with some of my comments. Sorry she is helping me write until I get caught up... from there on it was on to the african coastal life, wild beaches and roaming animals.  real sheppard's in the countryside ... Read more >

Tags: sand, titties bay

bush babies and zulus-south africa continued...

SOUTH AFRICA | Saturday, 28 Feb 2009 | Views [1424]

We joined Hennie and Hester in Nelspruit after our amazing trip through Kruger NP. They told us we were very lucky to see the Big Five and all the amazing birds. We thought it was special but did not realize how much. After a night with feeling comfortable ... Read more >

Tags: durban, indian, kavady

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