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Here, there, everywhere... A modest attempt at chronicling my around the world adventure over the next year (or so).

Trip: the first days of eternal bliss

There are [9] stories from my trip: the first days of eternal bliss

Gallery: moscow1

RUSSIAN FEDERATION | Monday, 7 Jul 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: st pets

RUSSIAN FEDERATION | Monday, 7 Jul 2008 | Photo Gallery

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white nights and красный days...

RUSSIAN FEDERATION | Friday, 4 Jul 2008 | Views [430]

St Petersburg, a city of such important history in Russia yet struggling to find it's place in the modern world. Filled with high rises and high fashion, and the deepest metro stations we have ever riden. First a word about our hosts, Lyubomir and Olga ... Read more >

Gallery: Pure Finnish

FINLAND | Monday, 30 Jun 2008 | Photo Gallery

Finland, Helsinki
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Gallery: Roma/Finland

USA | Monday, 30 Jun 2008 | Photo Gallery

2nd leg
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Fun with Finns

USA | Monday, 30 Jun 2008 | Views [563]

we landed at 4am in Helsinki, or was it 4pm? Not sure because the sun was shining. Wait it was defintely 4am because Jessica and I were both tired and crabby. Grabbed the luggage, a cab and headed to our first Couchsurfing hosts apartment in Helsinki.... Read more >

The Italian Job part 2

ITALY | Monday, 30 Jun 2008 | Views [650] | Video

Jessica and I traveled to Roma for a few days before flying to Helsinki. The time can be summed up in three words-Hotter than Hades! 33 celsius (that is 100 degrees in the shade). We were very fortunate to see and hear the Pope's message at St Peters ... Read more >

Gallery: 1st leg

USA | Sunday, 22 Jun 2008 | Photo Gallery

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The Italian Job

USA | Sunday, 22 Jun 2008 | Views [451] | Comments [4]

After the usual joys of flying a US air carrier (btw I became a person of suspicion after using the business class restroom according to the head flight attendant-hmmm, NWA or TSA?)I made it to Italy and Florence. Mercifully Jessica met me at the train ... Read more >

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