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Shazza's Escapades Light hearted look at my travel escapades

Haiti Dec 2023

HAITI | Thursday, 7 December 2023 | Views [14]

I'm taking a short break from America and heading to Haiti. Although nobody has heard of my airline and the check in counter is blocked, I still managed to check in. So off I go.

After sleeping in the airport for my 3am face to face check in like the good old days, I'm here in Haiti. Tiniest airport ever and you have to queue outside before being let into a small square room. I started walking and surprisingly not met by numerous taxi drivers. I did meet Jeff who had a motorbike and asked me to offer him some dollars for a ride into town as he was unemployed. He asked for $10 and he went down to $6. I kept saying I was fine and would walk. After10 minutes he was at the main road and asked me again so I said yes. It was an amazing motorbike ride and the roads were so busy. Hair raising at times but I loved it.

The ride was pretty fast until we got into town then it was just so busy with people and everything as you can see. Jeff was amazing and got his bike with my fat arse on it all the way through the narrowed and very steep paths to reach my hotel right on the top. Really thought I was coming off that bike as he revved his bike nearly vertically up the hill. I loved every second.


It's a mid range hotel high up on the hill overlooking the city. I thought I'd treat myself. It's in a beautiful location just up on a pigging hill. Then to get to my room I have 172 steps to climb. Treat my arse! Thank goodness for the dog.

Loving the pool and I got it all to myself. Beautiful views of Cap Haitien from above. It's a bit of mess down there though but still very colourful.

The hotel pet was a cute dog called Parchetto. He took me on a tour around the property and now he won't leave me alone and wants to play all the time. Well he loves my feet anyways.


The bar staff, Dina and Vanessa informed me that I could have a free cocktail as I didn't get my welcome drink. I turned up early, used the pool and went straight to bed when the room was ready. I was chuffed with this as it was a rum punch and it was so strong and very sweet. Then I had the pleasure of watching the ballroom dancing by the pool, with the dog obviously. A pretty cool first day.

I followed my new friend, to the market to buy his spices. It was colourful and loud. The products sold was mainly locally grown with some items coming across the border from the Dominican Republic. It was too crowded and hot so after buying most of the spices we made a quick exit. We did a quick visit to the cathedral and on the way saw some old buildings and even some street art.

After a busy morning market visit I went to my room to take a shower, 5 minutes later, I go out to dry my towel and I see only one shoe. Bloody dog took one of my trainers while I was in the shower. I need my trainers for the hike and I'm leaving in 30 minutes.


My motorbike guy came ot collect me for my trip. After an hour on the bike we reached the town of Milot. Our first stop was the Palace. Just imagine what it looked like back in the day. It's huge and even in ruins, it's beautiful. I was the only foreign visitor that day so had it all to myself. I knew there would be the 7km hike to the Citadel so was taking my time here and psyching myself for the walk up. It's always up.

After the bumpiest 5km on the motorbike my arse is mince. I looked forward to my 2km walk to the Citadel. It's so high up. Amazing views though.

I enjoyed exploring the Citadel all to myself. It is the largest in this part of the world. I was also trying to avoid the motorbike ride down the cobbled path. At least the 2kms will be walking downhill.

The vultures around the Citadel. They're obviously enjoying the view or waiting for me to die on the trail and eat me. On the way down I met a huge frigging tarantula.

The obvious thing to notice about Cap Haitien is the rubbish. It is everywhere. I just feel sad looking at their beach. Cruise lines dock at Labadee nearby because of its beauty. There was also no sign of Police or any traffic lights. It is basically a free for all. I can only imagine what the capital city is like, just like this but with the violence thrown in.

It has certainly been a real punch in the face for my senses. It's been a few years since I've done trips like this. It has reminded me to appreciate all the things we take for granted back home. Life in Haiti isn't my life but it is their lives and they are left to fend for themselves in every way. We must be thankful for all that we have, even if it isn't much, because it is still a hell of a lot more than most in the world.





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