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Continental Divide Trail 2011 close to 3000 miles through new mexico, colorado, wyoming and montana. May 1 start date.


There are [46] photos and [26] stories about USA

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Over 1000 miles completed and in Helena, MT

Wednesday, 20 Jul 2011 | Views [326]

I have completely neglected this journal but will give a quick update while I still have 5 minutes of internet time: Returned to the Gila last month and completed the section we missed. Very hot and dry. Picked up our 4th hiking buddy Mosho at the ... Read more >

In Crested Butte, CO

Wednesday, 8 Jun 2011 | Views [572]

So, I arrived late last night into a campground just outside of Crested Butte, Colorado, where my hiking partner Trainwreck lives. This morning was like Christmas when I looked out of my tent door and saw the surrounding mountains. One of the most beautiful ... Read more >

Tags: trekking

Cuba, New Mexico

Saturday, 21 May 2011 | Views [479]

About 350 miles down and sitting stinky in the library in Cuba, New Mexico. We skipped the Gila due to fire and headed north from Pie Town to Grants and now Cuba. The last section was stunning, walking from mesa to mesa with ocasional snow or rainstorms ... Read more >

Tags: trekking

First 150 miles!

Tuesday, 10 May 2011 | Views [377]

We have walked from the Mexican border, through the hot desert, up to a fire lookout close to 10,000 feet, through dry creek valleys and down to Mimbres, New Mexico, where I now sit with in a house. A nice couple found us on the side of the road and have ... Read more >

CDT Here I come!

Friday, 29 Apr 2011 | Views [568] | Comments [1]

I arrived last night after 47 hours of flights and layovers from Kathmandu to Mumbai to London to Chicago and San Diego. But I leave in just 5 hours on a Greyhound for New Mexico to begin thru-hiking the CDT. I'm meeting up with my two hiking buds: Trainwreck ... Read more >

Gallery: PCT 2009

Saturday, 7 Nov 2009 | Photo Gallery

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CANADA!!!! 2662 miles

Tuesday, 22 Sep 2009 | Views [619] | Comments [7]

I am sitting in a library in Vancouver, British Columbia. I made it to the northern terminus of the PCT on September 19th -- 5 months and 1 day after I started in April (with 28 days off for injuries, weddings, etc.) It was one of the most incredible ... Read more >

Steven's Pass: mile 2476

Saturday, 12 Sep 2009 | Views [424] | Comments [1]

Well, I've made it to Steven's Pass, Washington. Less than 200 miles to go. Washington has been challenging, to say the least. The weather turned to rain, snow and hail a few days into washington and I experienced one of the most challenging days of ... Read more >

washington!!! 2,155 miles and 508 to go

Saturday, 29 Aug 2009 | Views [380] | Comments [3]

Once again, this will be brief. I am currently in Seattle attending my roommate from college (Charissa's) wedding but just a couple days ago I made it to Cascade Locks, the end of Oregon. I've walked over 2,000 miles now with only 508 to go. Oregon was ... Read more >

in Oregon!/ Ashland: mile 1726

Sunday, 9 Aug 2009 | Views [453] | Comments [2]

I've made it to Oregon. Crossed the border yesterday morning and pulled a 33-mile day to get into Ashland last night. Ashland is our last real town until the end of Oregon so there are many hikers here resting up and enjoying luxuries like: food, movies.... Read more >

mile 1606: etna, ca

Monday, 3 Aug 2009 | Views [728]

I've made it another 100 miles to Etna, CA. I had planned to skip this town but it is reportedly the favorite town on the PCT so I decided to come in for the night. The last section was absolutely stunning. It was mostly ridge walking with views of Mt ... Read more >

mile 1506: Shasta City

Thursday, 30 Jul 2009 | Views [530] | Comments [1]

hello! Its been a while. I have had many challenges since the last time I wrote. I started having foot trouble again; same foot, but on the heel. Some people were saying I had plantar fascaitus, some thought it was my achilles tendon, some thought a ... Read more >

sierra city: mile 1197/ quick stop in Sacramento

Monday, 13 Jul 2009 | Views [505] | Comments [2]

I am currently in Sacramento. I am taking a few zero days to see Amadou and Mariam/ Coldplay in Sacramento and will be able to see some friends while I am here. I walked into the 2-block town of Sierra City last night with my good trail friends Socks ... Read more >

mile 1093: tahoe

Wednesday, 8 Jul 2009 | Views [420]

this will be very brief. I have very little internet time. But I spent a wonderful 5 days in yosemite visiting friends and spent a week walking to Tahoe. Two hiker friends and I somehow connected with a couple who decided to house us in thier cabin and ... Read more >

quick stop in yosemite valley

Saturday, 27 Jun 2009 | Views [400] | Comments [1]

I left mammoth on tuesday night and made it over 50 miles by thursday night. I showed up at my trail crew camp right at dinner time--perfect timing! I spent the night with them last night. It was great to see them and felt particuarly wonderful to have ... Read more >

Through most of the Sierra, in Mammoth: mile 907

Monday, 22 Jun 2009 | Views [533] | Comments [1]

I am alive and well (for the most part). I made it through the most dangerous snowy sierra section and am in Mammoth Lakes, just outside of Yosemite. I spent 13 days walking through Sequoia and Kings Canyon and other wilderness areas and walked over 8 ... Read more >

Tags: sierra

kennedy meadows: mile 702

Friday, 5 Jun 2009 | Views [815] | Comments [2]

I made it here to Kennedy Meadows yesterday morning (the 4th). I caught up with nearly everyone I knew from the beginning. They were surprised to see me walk in yesterday and it made all those long days worth it. The last 10 days were wonderful. I passed ... Read more >

Tags: waiting

Hiker Heaven: Agua Dulce, mile 454

Tuesday, 26 May 2009 | Views [1324] | Comments [2]

I made it to Hiker Heaven, in Agua Dulce, just a hop away from Santa Clarita, where I went to college. Its truly wonderful to be back on the trail. It took me a little over 3 days to get here from Wrightwood. I put in two 28-mile days and wandered in ... Read more >

mile 369: wrightwood

Friday, 22 May 2009 | Views [756]

greeting from Wrightwood, California: Mile 369. I have officially made it another 105 miles, in 4 days. It was a beautiful stretch. The first day out of Big Bear we walked along two deep creeks, which is a first on this waterless trail. The second day ... Read more >

In Canada sooner than I thought

Monday, 11 May 2009 | Views [468] | Comments [2]

This has been one of the hardest weeks of my life. I am actually in Canada right now, in Saskatoon. My father passed away yesterday. My brother, sister and I were able to fly up here the day before he passed away and we'll stay for his funeral this wednesday.... Read more >

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