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Continental Divide Trail 2011 close to 3000 miles through new mexico, colorado, wyoming and montana. May 1 start date.

Trip: guatemala 2010

There are [12] stories from my trip: guatemala 2010

one day left

MEXICO | Sunday, 18 Apr 2010 | Views [627]

I have neglected this journal and feel its time to give a quick update since I will be flying home in a day! I spent a lovely month in Belize. Two weeks on an organic farm, one week making my own drum next to the water: only tourist in the town, 5 days ... Read more >

last day in guatemala

GUATEMALA | Thursday, 18 Mar 2010 | Views [756] | Comments [1]

Sorry for my silence. I haven´t had much internet time recently. I am in Flores, Guatemala and will take a bus back to Belise in the morning. I will be wwoofig for two weeks and diving the blue hole before heading to Mexico for some more mayan ruins and ... Read more >

Photos: bev and jack´s visit

GUATEMALA | Wednesday, 10 Mar 2010 | Photo Gallery

antigua, atitlan, tikal
See all 4 photos >>

Photos: honduras

HONDURAS | Wednesday, 3 Mar 2010 | Photo Gallery

diving and ruins
See all 7 photos >>

10 days in Honduras

HONDURAS | Saturday, 27 Feb 2010 | Views [638]

Its been a while since I updated this but I've been on an island in Honduras for a week with little internet access. The last couple weeks in a nutshell... 1. After my Tagumulco trip I spent another 3 days in Xela learning how to weave at a women's ... Read more >

Tags: scuba diving

valentines day

GUATEMALA | Monday, 15 Feb 2010 | Views [640] | Comments [2]

I am officially finished with spanish school. I had a lovely last week of classes at the MT school with another great group of people and wrote a childrens story in spanish for my graduation on friday. I left immediately after for Xela to go on the weekend ... Read more >

Tags: trekking

recent adventures

GUATEMALA | Thursday, 4 Feb 2010 | Views [819] | Comments [2]

I am currently living with a family in Xela and studying at a language school here just for a week since the mountain school was full this week. I have been studying 5 hours each afternoon with my teacher and have taken up coffee-drinking since I found ... Read more >

Tags: trekking

el fin de semana (the weekend)

GUATEMALA | Saturday, 23 Jan 2010 | Views [893] | Comments [4]

quick update: successfully made it through my first week of spanish lessons. I began my week telling my host family that is was nice to meet them instead of saying I liked the food. I mean, me gusta and mucho gusto are similar enough, right? And now ... Read more >

Tags: school

la escuala de la montana

GUATEMALA | Tuesday, 19 Jan 2010 | Views [564] | Comments [2]

I love the mountain school! It is a little over an hour out of Xela and set in some green mountains with many small vilages surounding the area. Up to 14 students study in a week and we all live in a house at the school and eat our meals with our local ... Read more >

adios belize.

BELIZE | Friday, 15 Jan 2010 | Views [601] | Comments [1]

I am currently in an internet cafe in punt gorda (or pg) belize. It is a small coastal town with lots of local fruits and veggies and I dixcovered two mayan women who provide traditional meals so I've been hanging out with them and eating beans and tortillas.... Read more >

Tags: belize

belize: the first 4 days

BELIZE | Tuesday, 12 Jan 2010 | Views [541] | Comments [1]

i sit now in an internet cafe in san igancio, belize. i love this town. Belize has reminded me of Africa so far. There are many similarities. I have been smiling a lot, so very happy to be traveling again. I arrived in Cancun after a full day of travel ... Read more >

Tags: belize

central america 2010

BELIZE | Saturday, 19 Dec 2009 | Views [713] | Comments [1]

I just returned to san diego after two months working trail crew in yosemite, mourning the end of the PCT. We were laid off a couple weeks ago so a coworker and I spent 10 days visiting yellowstone in the snow, missoula and seattle. I met my family ... Read more >

Tags: preparation