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el fin de semana (the weekend)

GUATEMALA | Saturday, 23 January 2010 | Views [902] | Comments [4]

quick update: successfully made it through my first week of spanish lessons. I began my week telling my host family that is was nice to meet them instead of saying I liked the food. I mean, me gusta and mucho gusto are similar enough, right? And now I am capable of telling them what I will be doing in the future and how loud the dogs were the night before. And today we took a tour of a local organic ex guerilla coffee farm and I understood 80% of the lecture in spanish. I have a GREAT DEAL to learn but the progress is tangible and I love it. I have also very much enjoyed the community at the mountain school and am happy that 6 of us are staying another week at the school. Last night we set up the outdoor sauna and told stories, played mafia and other camp games. We all have backgrounds in outdoor education or something similar. Tomorrow a group of us are taking a hike up a mountain nearby Xela.

One embarrassing thing I did this week was try to tell my family that we had actually not played futbol the day before as I had said we were going to do. I couldn´t prperly tell them so I just started to play along and said ¨oh yean, 5 of us went. In a pick up.¨So I outright lied to my host family due to my limited vocabulary.

I have also discovered the local panaderia and buy some sort of bread product or ice cream every day. Well, adioa!

Tags: school



Hi Em,

My parents will be in Antigua from February 27 - March 5th and staying at Soleil La Antigua. They will be flying to Tikal on March 6th and staying at Tikal Inn most likely until March 8th. They need to do a Lake excursion one day and a trip to Chichi on Thursday as well as a tour of Antigua. I haven't arranged anything (except the Tikal trip) as it is best to do locally. I am sure that they would have much more fun if you joined them for a day or whatever time that you can spare as they are a little nervous.

They really need a little of your local expertise in either Antigua or Tikal so don't let them tell you NO! They can survive on their own, but I know that they would see things in a different perspective through you. They are just a little rusty at the traveling thing since it has been a while.

Much appreciated and enjoying reading your travel adventures!


  Laurie Jan 26, 2010 4:16 PM


Hi Em,
Your own travel plans take precedence over ours but we want to spend time with you if it works into your plans. Most of our days in Antigua are open. We hope to book a trip to Lake Atitlan and go to the Market.

In Tikal we plan to stay at the Tikal Inn for two nights, meals inclusive. We have reserved a Sunset tour of the ruins for one morning. The rest of our time there is open.

Your enthusiasm is contageous. I'm impressed with your language progress and a bit jealous.

We are looking forward to our adventure and will inform you of any change in our plans.

Love You-----B & J

  B & J Jan 27, 2010 8:39 AM


Hi Emily,

I just set up on hotmail at laurieagaz@hotmail.com so that we can correspond.

Sounds like you are having a great time!

  Laurie Feb 2, 2010 12:30 PM


Hi Emily,
Thank you for the e-mail. Laurie will set up a hot mail account and will give you her e-mail on your blog. Meanwhile if you want to contact her, we would be happy to forward e-mail to her.

We would love to go to the Market with you and staying over night is an option. However, on Wed night Laurie has reserved dinner at Santa Domingo Hotel -she wants us to look at the grounds and hear music during dinner. It's popular and an early reservation was a must (our only one while in Antigua--other than that we are free).

The walking tours are free and Laurie suggests it on Tue with a terrific guide but we are open on that. We want to go on a tour to Lake Atitlan.

Looking forward to our time with you. We are flexible so we can plan as we go. In Antigua our hotel name has changed to Soleil La Antigua. We have a one bedroom with kitchen. We will inform you of any change in plans when they are finalized.

Love You-----B & J

  B & J Feb 2, 2010 12:59 PM



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