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Weired Phobias

UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 13 Apr 2008 | Views [736] | Comments [1]

I'm embarrassed to say it. But i've developed a strange ann unnatural phobia of museums. I'll tell you why. About 2 weeks ago i was bored, it was sunday, i had slept in and decided it was too much effort to go anywhere far. I had fully intended to go ... Read more >

Tags: phobias

Ach! Bonny Scotland!

UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 28 Mar 2008 | Views [556] | Comments [1]

Well i'm attempting to name this article something scottish - but i find my knowledge quite limited there .i.e. my 'scots' vocabulary is kind of limited to kilts, lochs, and haggis.  Anyhow, i spent the easter long weekend in scotland. And quite frankly ... Read more >

Tags: adventures

3 hours of my life I will never get back

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 20 Mar 2008 | Views [556] | Comments [2]

Yesterday I had to go to London to apply for my national insurance number (this seems to be like a tax file number). I had to go to a place called Tooting Bec to a Jobcentre there. As you can tell i regard this as 3 hours of my life i will never get ... Read more >

Tags: yuck

Wet, cold, bloody awesome!

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 20 Mar 2008 | Views [325]

I went to Brighton on the weekend. It was a typical english holiday by the seaside. That is, it rained all the time. But honestly i had such an awesome time. Brighton is fantastic! I met Emma there on the friday night, we were staying at a b&b across ... Read more >

Tags: fun in the rain


UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 13 Mar 2008 | Views [424] | Comments [2]

My Grandma died yesterday. I found out via text message. Not the best way to find out someone you love has died. I don't blame mum and dad, but distance sucks. I never felt so far away from everyone i loved as i did then. I think i have not been properly ... Read more >

Tags: sadness

The Great Collimation Competition

UNITED KINGDOM | Tuesday, 11 Mar 2008 | Views [677]

Work is starting to become a lot more enjoyable. This afternoon we had a little competition amongst ourselves. Let me explain. In the UK they are ridiculously anal about radiation protection (which i suppose is a good thing) they have this thing called ... Read more >

Tags: Doctors, hospitals & health


UNITED KINGDOM | Tuesday, 11 Mar 2008 | Views [618]

Yes not a very original title for this one but i went to bath on the weekend. I'd heard so many good things about it and it i only 2 and a bit hours away on the train so i decided to make a day trip of it. When i told mum and dad where i was going they ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Pants vs. trousers

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 5 Mar 2008 | Views [4912] | Comments [2]

I've found a very important addition to my english/aussie dictionary today. And let me just say that i found out the hard way. So, i went to get a patient today, i think i had the xray her hip or spine or something, she would have been in her 50's and ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

But wait there's more!

UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 3 Mar 2008 | Views [553] | Comments [1]

I suppose not all of my trip to Southampton to buy shoes was all misery. I did have a lovely day shopping apart from the continuous yearning i had for lovely shoes. I finally had the time and opportunity to buy myself a nice umbrella. Ridiculously expensive ... Read more >

Tags: Shopping

Speak English!

UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 3 Mar 2008 | Views [571] | Comments [2]

As it turns out, Aussie don't speak english. I had never really considered that 'australian' could be a dialect of english untill i came over here. You really would be suprised. Here is a short list i am compiling. Nadia's english to aussieish dictionary.... Read more >

Tags: Culture


UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 3 Mar 2008 | Views [392]

I went to Southampton on the weekend to buy those sensible shoes that i have been dreading buying for the last week. Southampton is big, grey and dull. But at least is has a few shops actually worth going to. How can i put this nicely.....um...bearable ... Read more >

Tags: Shopping

Oh the HORROR!

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 27 Feb 2008 | Views [430]

The world is ending - no  , the sky is falling - probably not, worse....... i've just had the uniform policy explained to me at work (quite pointedly) and it is going to be enforced. Well you may laugh at the drama of this, but everyone at liverpool ... Read more >

Tags: Misadventures

Snot funny ) :

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 21 Feb 2008 | Views [927] | Comments [3]

I have a cold. A very very bad cold. And unfortunately over here cos i'm a locum if i don't turn up to work i don't get paid. I think i went through a whole box of tissues today....so i'm feeling very meh. I went to the phamacy at work yesterday to get ... Read more >

Tags: Doctors, hospitals & health

C. E . Winchester III

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 20 Feb 2008 | Views [441]

Let me first start by explaining the title. When i first found out that i would be working in Winchester i kept on forgetting the name. Which is kinda dopey especially when i was telling everyone that i got a new job. So, as a way of remembering it i ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

No Squirrels!

UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 17 Feb 2008 | Views [318] | Comments [1]

The one day i finally take my camera when i went for a walk in Kensington gardens and not a single bloody squirrel to be seen. Typical sneaky bastards, you couldn't move for all the damn squirrels and this week nothing! So, apart from that nothing much ... Read more >

Tags: The Great Outdoors

Bah Humbug!

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 14 Feb 2008 | Views [439] | Comments [1]

Bah humbug! Well the valentines day equivalent anyhow. So another year, another time the florist hasn't turned up. At least i have a kinda excuse this year..that being that i've only been in the UK less than 2 weeks so nobody knows me well enough to buy ... Read more >

Tags: People


UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 13 Feb 2008 | Views [488] | Comments [1]

I swear i must have a permanent smirk on my face over here. I love the way the poms speak (and no girls, not just their sexy accents). They really do say the funniest things. My absolute favourite at the moment is the word poorly. They say it all the ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

Maybe it's not so bad.

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 13 Feb 2008 | Views [627]

So i may have overreacted the other day. I think that perhaps i had an attack of the drama queens. Work at the moment now isn't so bad. It's actually turned boring, which is much better than stressfull. I've found out quite quickly that all radiology ... Read more >

Tags: Doctors, hospitals & health

Bemused and befuddled

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 7 Feb 2008 | Views [802] | Comments [7]

So i've started my new job. And it's ummmm.....different. Let me get this straight, everyone is really nice, has been really helpful etc. etc...but.... well i hate not knowing what i'm doing you know. It's so frustrating i feel like a student again. ... Read more >

Tags: Doctors, hospitals & health

The day i saw a squirrel

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 6 Feb 2008 | Views [434] | Comments [1]

I saw a squirrel. It was awesome. I honestly can't remember if i saw any the last time i was over here, i probably did, but thats not the point. I saw a squirrel, in hyde park. Strangely emma didn't share my enthusiasm. Apparently she's seen lots of ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

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