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Blurred memories Memoirs of a lost and bewildered Australian chick through Europe.


There are [0] photos and [9] stories about Germany

Bis zu Weihnachten- Munchen

Wednesday, 22 Apr 2009 | Views [900] | Comments [1]

(Dec 08) Ah Munich, the beeriest place on earth. A quick train journey and we made it to Munich. I had been to Munich once before but hadn’t really had a chance to look around properly. Munich was also in Christmas mode- i.e. more markets. I really ... Read more >

Tags: germany

Bis zu Weihnachten- Nuremburg

Tuesday, 21 Apr 2009 | Views [897] | Comments [3]

(Dec 08) From Stuttgart the next stop on the train line was Nuremburg. I was super excited about going here mainly because of its history and the fact that it has reputedly the best Christmas markets in Germany. We got there a little before lunchtime ... Read more >

Tags: germany

Bis zu Weihnachten- Stuttgart

Tuesday, 21 Apr 2009 | Views [823] | Comments [1]

(Dec 08) Or for those who didn’t understand my dreadful German linguistic feat- Up to Christmas- I just thought it sounded fancier this way.   Another day another flight: after only one day back in London we were off for another early morning ... Read more >

Tags: germany

Alles Gute! Auf Wiedersehen!

Monday, 20 Oct 2008 | Views [1376]

The tour is over! We arrived back in Berlin, after 36 days and I must admit I was absolutely knackered!   The time had absolutely flown by (except all those hours on the damn bus!) and I think I needed a holiday to recover from my holiday! It ... Read more >

Tags: germany

Ich bin ein Berliner...again

Saturday, 12 Jul 2008 | Views [465] | Comments [1]

So I’ve finally gotten more than 5 minutes to tell you all about the most awesomest, fantasticest, bestest trip ever. OK, so I may have invented a few words there. But I had a damn good time. I know I’m about a month and a half behind and a lot of my ... Read more >

Tags: red star

a lonely planet, so listen to other travellers

Thursday, 12 Jan 2006 | Views [533]

heres a quick probably boring story: i was thinking of heading to hamburg tomorrow but decided not to on the advice of an aussie girl who had just been there. she said its great if you like ships, but apart from that it loses its excitement after the ... Read more >

Tags: Travel Tips

McDonalds...the german way

Wednesday, 11 Jan 2006 | Views [1035]

I thought this deserved an article of its own. Mcdonalds here is very very weired. While i appreciate cultural differences eg. the ribburger they have here. I must admit i was a touch suprised when i saw beer on the menu. Family restaurant indeed! And ... Read more >

Tags: Food & eating

Ich bin ein berliner

Wednesday, 11 Jan 2006 | Views [483]

Grüße aus deutschland! well i'm in berlin at the moment and am actually suprised at how much i like it here. i am thinking of staying an extra day to what i initially planned. i did a free walking tour today around the city which was absolutely brilliant.... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing

What do germans do on sundays?

Monday, 9 Jan 2006 | Views [3084] | Comments [1]

Well, what do germans do on sundays? i think its a very valid question. Today, sunday, i decided to go shopping for some food to taske with me on the train tomorrow (5 1/2 hours to berlin). i had been warned previously that not much is open here on sundays.... Read more >

Tags: Culture



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