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Blurred memories Memoirs of a lost and bewildered Australian chick through Europe.

Trip: UK and beyond...

There are [82] stories from my trip: UK and beyond...

The much awaited arrival

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 6 Jan 2010 | Views [1154] | Comments [2]

(28 th April 2009) I never thought I would ever willingly and excitedly get out of bed at 530am ever. No really- anyone who knows me even a little bit would probably know that I don’t do mornings-ever. Here is the only exception. After 14 months ... Read more >

Tags: family

Nott any more!

UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 23 Oct 2009 | Views [635]

The time in Nottingham has flown, but to be honest I spent 95% of it looking forward to mum and dad coming over. Yes, it was a great job, good hours (overtime etc.), nice rate of pay, nice workmates, but really I’ve spent the last few months wanting ... Read more >

Tags: work

I have an old man disease!

UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 23 Oct 2009 | Views [941]

(March 2009) Sick again. It has not been a good year for my lungs; they have been through a lot and have been complete utter bastards to me this year. It’s Easter, 4 days off in a row and I have pleurisy. How do I know this is an old man disease-... Read more >

Tags: work

The dork hits York.

UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 23 Oct 2009 | Views [821]

(March 2009)   I can admit it; I’m a dork- a history dork. And in York I was in history heaven and I absolutely loved it. It was another weekend day trip and a ripping good time. York is one of those places oozing history that I have always ... Read more >

Tags: weekends

The Lincoln Imp

UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 23 Oct 2009 | Views [562]

(March 2009) Lincoln, what images are conjured up when you think about Lincoln? Well not much at all to be truthful. All I had heard that there was a nice cathedral there and that they had good Christmas markets. That was about it, and all of this ... Read more >

Tags: weekends


UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 23 Oct 2009 | Views [645]

(March 2009) Just a quick one on my first foray into the world of professional bingo....well that’s what it felt like! I had previously only ever been to bingo a few times at the Wagga RSL back when I was at uni but I thought I knew the gist ... Read more >

Tags: work

Nott too bad...

UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 31 Aug 2009 | Views [731]

(Feb 09) So, Nottingham- first week, new job, usual jitters, usual cursing the fact that I miss my last job. Same thing happened when I started at Cheltenham and Winchester. But still- it was always going to be a grass is greener type situation. ... Read more >

Tags: work

Jersey Girl

UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 31 Aug 2009 | Views [689]

(Jan 09) Perhaps a trip to Jersey to visit Rocky was the thing I needed to put me back in the land of the living both emotionally and physically. After a few weeks sitting in the flat in London barely able to venture down the block to even get groceries ... Read more >

Tags: uk

To the point

UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 31 Aug 2009 | Views [579]

(Jan 09) Anyone who knows me well will probably know what happened in early January and hence why I have taken so long to write about. Really it is the one reason, not my usual laziness which has made me get so far behind on my blog. To put it simply ... Read more >

Tags: sad

Fieber Fever

AUSTRIA | Thursday, 6 Aug 2009 | Views [830] | Comments [3]

(Dec 08) Well finally I’m back to Fieberbrunn, it’s Christmas and a weeks worth of snowboarding and associated shenanigans. The only dampener of this mood is my ongoing illness.   We drove from Munich to Fieberbrunn (Austria) and I was felling ... Read more >

Tags: austria

Bis zu Weihnachten- Munchen

GERMANY | Wednesday, 22 Apr 2009 | Views [900] | Comments [1]

(Dec 08) Ah Munich, the beeriest place on earth. A quick train journey and we made it to Munich. I had been to Munich once before but hadn’t really had a chance to look around properly. Munich was also in Christmas mode- i.e. more markets. I really ... Read more >

Tags: germany

Bis zu Weihnachten- Nuremburg

GERMANY | Tuesday, 21 Apr 2009 | Views [897] | Comments [3]

(Dec 08) From Stuttgart the next stop on the train line was Nuremburg. I was super excited about going here mainly because of its history and the fact that it has reputedly the best Christmas markets in Germany. We got there a little before lunchtime ... Read more >

Tags: germany

Bis zu Weihnachten- Stuttgart

GERMANY | Tuesday, 21 Apr 2009 | Views [823] | Comments [1]

(Dec 08) Or for those who didn’t understand my dreadful German linguistic feat- Up to Christmas- I just thought it sounded fancier this way.   Another day another flight: after only one day back in London we were off for another early morning ... Read more >

Tags: germany

Irish Mist

IRELAND | Monday, 20 Apr 2009 | Views [884] | Comments [1]

Ah Ireland, land of the little people. The previous day I had been to a wedding in Cheltenham- a brilliant all day affair with way too much food and quite a few beverages. I had caught a bus at 2am in the morning following the wedding to get to Gatwick ... Read more >

Tags: northern ireland, republic of ireland

A.K.A Katie Price

JORDAN | Monday, 13 Apr 2009 | Views [972] | Comments [3]

See that witty title there….I’m sure it may confuse many of the non-pommies reading this- I guess this country is wearing off on me! So, Jordan …….ah now you get my fiendishly clever title!   After a fantastic trip through Egypt I was exhausted ... Read more >

Tags: jordan

Walk like an Egyptian - Dig do burn bury

EGYPT | Sunday, 5 Apr 2009 | Views [1282] | Comments [1]

Then it was off out into the desert….a new adventure starts...We drove out to a truck stop type place which seemed to be in the middle of nowhere to meet out drivers and to get different cars. We certainly attracted a lot of attention. I think we were ... Read more >

Tags: egypt

Walk like an Egyptian - Eau de Donkey

EGYPT | Tuesday, 31 Mar 2009 | Views [955] | Comments [2]

I was up before sunrise today for our hot air balloon ride. Hot air ballooning has never really been one of those things that I have craved doing. I have to admit that I sort of classed it as a little to tame for my inner adrenaline junkie- however ... Read more >

Tags: egypt

Walk like an Egyptian- In the middle of the Nile

EGYPT | Monday, 30 Mar 2009 | Views [899]

Finally some relaxation! Well sort of. After the worlds most frustrating and bladder stretching journey we arrived in Aswan feeling gross. Thankfully Khaled, the best tour leader on the planet (this is a guy who knows people!) had a minivan waiting ... Read more >

Tags: egypt

Walk like an Egyptian- The Overnight Train

EGYPT | Monday, 30 Mar 2009 | Views [783]

This one deserves its own story. The overnight train- definitely not something I would ever care to repeat.   We had our very long day exploring the exciting and wonderful sites of Cairo. This was exhausting (especially due to the heat) and ... Read more >

Tags: egypt

Walk like an Egyptian- Pyramids, the Sphinx and King Tut

EGYPT | Tuesday, 24 Mar 2009 | Views [1940] | Comments [1]

An early morning and we were off to see the sights. First was the best- the pyramids. Here I had one of those “I really can’t believe I’m here” moments. It was breath taking, brilliant, wonderful… I could go on forever. Because we got there early I ... Read more >

Tags: egypt

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