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Blurred memories Memoirs of a lost and bewildered Australian chick through Europe.


There are [0] photos and [2] stories tagged with "weekends".

The dork hits York.

UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 23 Oct 2009 | Views [821]

(March 2009)   I can admit it; I’m a dork- a history dork. And in York I was in history heaven and I absolutely loved it. It was another weekend day trip and a ripping good time. York is one of those places oozing history that I have always ... Read more >

Tags: weekends

The Lincoln Imp

UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 23 Oct 2009 | Views [562]

(March 2009) Lincoln, what images are conjured up when you think about Lincoln? Well not much at all to be truthful. All I had heard that there was a nice cathedral there and that they had good Christmas markets. That was about it, and all of this ... Read more >

Tags: weekends

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