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United Kingdom

There are [0] photos and [45] stories about United Kingdom

The much awaited arrival

Wednesday, 6 Jan 2010 | Views [1154] | Comments [2]

(28 th April 2009) I never thought I would ever willingly and excitedly get out of bed at 530am ever. No really- anyone who knows me even a little bit would probably know that I don’t do mornings-ever. Here is the only exception. After 14 months ... Read more >

Tags: family

Nott any more!

Friday, 23 Oct 2009 | Views [635]

The time in Nottingham has flown, but to be honest I spent 95% of it looking forward to mum and dad coming over. Yes, it was a great job, good hours (overtime etc.), nice rate of pay, nice workmates, but really I’ve spent the last few months wanting ... Read more >

Tags: work

I have an old man disease!

Friday, 23 Oct 2009 | Views [941]

(March 2009) Sick again. It has not been a good year for my lungs; they have been through a lot and have been complete utter bastards to me this year. It’s Easter, 4 days off in a row and I have pleurisy. How do I know this is an old man disease-... Read more >

Tags: work

The dork hits York.

Friday, 23 Oct 2009 | Views [821]

(March 2009)   I can admit it; I’m a dork- a history dork. And in York I was in history heaven and I absolutely loved it. It was another weekend day trip and a ripping good time. York is one of those places oozing history that I have always ... Read more >

Tags: weekends

The Lincoln Imp

Friday, 23 Oct 2009 | Views [562]

(March 2009) Lincoln, what images are conjured up when you think about Lincoln? Well not much at all to be truthful. All I had heard that there was a nice cathedral there and that they had good Christmas markets. That was about it, and all of this ... Read more >

Tags: weekends


Friday, 23 Oct 2009 | Views [646]

(March 2009) Just a quick one on my first foray into the world of professional bingo....well that’s what it felt like! I had previously only ever been to bingo a few times at the Wagga RSL back when I was at uni but I thought I knew the gist ... Read more >

Tags: work

Nott too bad...

Monday, 31 Aug 2009 | Views [731]

(Feb 09) So, Nottingham- first week, new job, usual jitters, usual cursing the fact that I miss my last job. Same thing happened when I started at Cheltenham and Winchester. But still- it was always going to be a grass is greener type situation. ... Read more >

Tags: work

Jersey Girl

Monday, 31 Aug 2009 | Views [689]

(Jan 09) Perhaps a trip to Jersey to visit Rocky was the thing I needed to put me back in the land of the living both emotionally and physically. After a few weeks sitting in the flat in London barely able to venture down the block to even get groceries ... Read more >

Tags: uk

To the point

Monday, 31 Aug 2009 | Views [579]

(Jan 09) Anyone who knows me well will probably know what happened in early January and hence why I have taken so long to write about. Really it is the one reason, not my usual laziness which has made me get so far behind on my blog. To put it simply ... Read more >

Tags: sad

Reflections on Cheltenham

Saturday, 25 Oct 2008 | Views [658]

So I’m finally up to date. Well sort of. I’m sitting on the train back to London after finishing work yesterday. I am now officially unemployed again (which in the light of the current economic crisis is not as comforting as it was last time I was in ... Read more >

Tags: reflections

Roundabout Wales

Friday, 24 Oct 2008 | Views [663]

I went to Wales for the Bank holiday long weekend with Rocky. It was lovely. I must admit i was rather excited and told anyone who would listen what i was doing. Sorry everyone! Cardiff is only about an hour and 20ish minutes from Cheltenham on the train.... Read more >

Tags: wales

Birmingham- so good I went there twice!

Friday, 24 Oct 2008 | Views [440]

I've been to Birmingham, twice. No really. It's only like an hour away from here (Cheltenham), and do you know what the absolute best part is- Gloria Jeans! Yes! That's right! There is one just outside the bullring. When i discovered it i honestly nearly ... Read more >

Tags: day trips

The Battle of Tewksbury.

Thursday, 23 Oct 2008 | Views [1046] | Comments [1]

Another weekend trip and my absolute favourite on by far. The weekend i decided to go to Tewksbury was like any other weekend....or so i thought. I had seen it in my lonely planet and i heard that there was a nice and very old cathedral and it was quite ... Read more >

Tags: day trips

I thought there would be more onions.

Thursday, 23 Oct 2008 | Views [515]

I went to the Newent Onion Festival. Don't laugh. I am strange, i can admit it, but i like onions and when Hazel at work told me about it i though why not? Emma came to visit that weekend and i dragged her along too! Poor girl didn't know what she was ... Read more >

Tags: day trips

Double Gloucester

Thursday, 23 Oct 2008 | Views [475]

Ok for a start i'm just going to explain the title. Double Gloucester is a cheese- it is very nice actually. I like cheese and thus thought it would be a nice title for my trip to Gloucester......yeah shut up i know i'm strange. But cheese is nice. ... Read more >

Tags: day trips

Cheltenham- Initial thoughts

Thursday, 23 Oct 2008 | Views [451]

So, i've moved to Cheltenham. Another new job, another new living arrangement, new everything pretty much. When i first moved here i must admit i had absolutely no preconceptions. I hadn't even really heard of Cheltenham- I knew it was near Gloucester ... Read more >

Tags: cheltenham

The Championships.

Tuesday, 21 Oct 2008 | Views [487]

Well the tour ended, i had a bloody early flight back to London from Berlin, and most importantly- I was off to Wimbledon! It has always been one of those things i always wanted to go to if i had the chance so when it finally came up, no hangover, lack ... Read more >

Tags: tennis

Off on a big adventure!

Friday, 16 May 2008 | Views [586]

Well theres only 8 hours to go and i'm off on my big trip! 36 days through scandinavia and russia. Can't wait! For the last two weeks of blissful unemployment i have been a woman of leisure. Long walks through the park, a lovely bike ride, i've gone ... Read more >

Tags: adventure

No more Winchester!

Monday, 12 May 2008 | Views [529]

I'm officially unemployed. It's a new experience for me, seeing as i have never been without a job since i was like 16 (which was like 9 years ago-gosh i'm old!)whenever i have quit one job i have always had another to move on to. Hopefully you can understand ... Read more >

Tags: work and play

The Queen and I

Sunday, 11 May 2008 | Views [591]

So i finally made it ti windsor to see the Queen. Well i saw where she lives at least and the flag was up so she was definately in. I have wanted to go to Windsor for years and i must admit that i was pretty excited when Emma and i went for a day trip ... Read more >

Tags: day trips

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