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Bis zu Weihnachten- Munchen

GERMANY | Wednesday, 22 April 2009 | Views [909] | Comments [1]

(Dec 08)

Ah Munich, the beeriest place on earth. A quick train journey and we made it to Munich. I had been to Munich once before but hadn’t really had a chance to look around properly. Munich was also in Christmas mode- i.e. more markets. I really don’t think it is possible to grow weary of German Christmas markets- the sights, the sounds, the smells. We went to a traditional Bavarian beer house for dinner for yet another hearty German meal. The food is so rich in Germany I’m surprised that everyone over there is not the size of a house or at least a small killer whale. German self control I suppose! One worrying thing though was the fact that I was developing a nasty cough and was suffering from monster headaches. I tried to get an early night to rest but alas not much sleep at all!


The next day we met up with Emma’s mum and dad who we would be spending Christmas with in Austria. It was so wonderful to see the people I class as my second mum and dad. If I can’t have my real parents they are certainly the next best choice! We had dinner in the Hofbrauhaus- Munich’s most famous beer hall. I really do think its reputation is entirely justified. Great atmosphere, great food but I can’t vouch for the beer because I was feeling pretty ill and decided to have the night off. I left early from dinner and went back to the hostel to get some sleep. Not much luck though unfortunately.


After not much sleep that night I decided that it was more intelligent to just get out early and have a long shower to try and feel mildly human. This was mildly hampered by my latest symptom- excessive vomiting. I class this as totally unfair seeing as I hadn’t had any beer the night before! I was exhausted, had a headache, was coughing like a champion and was feeling way too nauseated- but on the up side I was heading to Austria for Christmas for a weeks worth of snow boarding! Honestly things could be worse- and every cloud has a silver lining!


Frohe Weihnachten! (Merry Christmas!) 

Tags: germany



I had forgotten how sick you really were. I guess other events just pushed it out of my mind.

  Emma Apr 30, 2009 1:25 AM

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