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Blurred memories Memoirs of a lost and bewildered Australian chick through Europe.


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UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 3 Mar 2008 | Views [553] | Comments [1]

I suppose not all of my trip to Southampton to buy shoes was all misery. I did have a lovely day shopping apart from the continuous yearning i had for lovely shoes. I finally had the time and opportunity to buy myself a nice umbrella. Ridiculously expensive ... Read more >

Tags: Shopping


UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 3 Mar 2008 | Views [392]

I went to Southampton on the weekend to buy those sensible shoes that i have been dreading buying for the last week. Southampton is big, grey and dull. But at least is has a few shops actually worth going to. How can i put this nicely.....um...bearable ... Read more >

Tags: Shopping

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