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Blurred memories Memoirs of a lost and bewildered Australian chick through Europe.

Walk like an Egyptian- the initial maddness!

EGYPT | Thursday, 19 Mar 2009 | Views [845]

Egypt, first impression- this place is absolutely mental. We arrived in Cairo excited about what was to come. We were met at the airport by a really helpful guy from Geckos who helped us get our visa and then went to get our luggage. My bag, of course, ... Read more >

Tags: egypt

When in Rome

ITALY | Wednesday, 18 Mar 2009 | Views [500]

Another train ride and we arrived in Rome. I’m getting sick of trains. We made our way to the hostel we had booked earlier. It was cosy and small and in aback street just off one of the main drags. Lovely place, good price- if you are in Rome and need ... Read more >

Tags: italy

I wanna be a Wallaby

ITALY | Friday, 6 Mar 2009 | Views [708] | Comments [1]

The train ride to Padova was long and frustrating. We were sitting directly across from a small child who seemed to seriously believe that 2 hours of continuous kicking, leg swinging and whinging were the best way to enjoy such a journey. I was very ... Read more >

Tags: italy

Milano Baby!

ITALY | Friday, 6 Mar 2009 | Views [543] | Comments [1]

I have finally made it to Italy- after all this time! Home of pizza, pasta, risotto, gelato and lots of Italian people. The wait had been much too long. We arrived in Milan after another very long train ride. We found our way to our hotel after only ... Read more >

Tags: italy

Where has all the falafel gone?

FRANCE | Friday, 6 Mar 2009 | Views [798] | Comments [1]

Goodbye to Barcelona and lovely Spain. I had an absolutely brilliant time and was sad to leave. Jess left Emma and I to go to the airport and we were off to the train station. One train to the Spanish/French border and then there was a wait at one of ... Read more >

Tags: france

Livin' La Vida Loca

SPAIN | Friday, 6 Mar 2009 | Views [462]

That’s Spanish isn’t it? Well, close enough!   Spain was brilliant! Driving from France as we got closer to the border I certainly started to notice the Spanish influence on the architecture, it was very Mediterranean. Well not that I know ... Read more >

Tags: spain

Vive Le France

FRANCE | Thursday, 26 Feb 2009 | Views [764] | Comments [3]

I swear I must be one of the only people on the planet who has technically been to France 3 times but not seen the Eiffel tower!   After my last day at work in Cheltenham and the move back to London I did some serious packing and the girls (Emma, Jess ... Read more >

Tags: france

Reflections on Cheltenham

UNITED KINGDOM | Saturday, 25 Oct 2008 | Views [662]

So I’m finally up to date. Well sort of. I’m sitting on the train back to London after finishing work yesterday. I am now officially unemployed again (which in the light of the current economic crisis is not as comforting as it was last time I was in ... Read more >

Tags: reflections

Roundabout Wales

UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 24 Oct 2008 | Views [668]

I went to Wales for the Bank holiday long weekend with Rocky. It was lovely. I must admit i was rather excited and told anyone who would listen what i was doing. Sorry everyone! Cardiff is only about an hour and 20ish minutes from Cheltenham on the train.... Read more >

Tags: wales

Birmingham- so good I went there twice!

UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 24 Oct 2008 | Views [446]

I've been to Birmingham, twice. No really. It's only like an hour away from here (Cheltenham), and do you know what the absolute best part is- Gloria Jeans! Yes! That's right! There is one just outside the bullring. When i discovered it i honestly nearly ... Read more >

Tags: day trips

The Battle of Tewksbury.

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 23 Oct 2008 | Views [1052] | Comments [1]

Another weekend trip and my absolute favourite on by far. The weekend i decided to go to Tewksbury was like any other weekend....or so i thought. I had seen it in my lonely planet and i heard that there was a nice and very old cathedral and it was quite ... Read more >

Tags: day trips

I thought there would be more onions.

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 23 Oct 2008 | Views [519]

I went to the Newent Onion Festival. Don't laugh. I am strange, i can admit it, but i like onions and when Hazel at work told me about it i though why not? Emma came to visit that weekend and i dragged her along too! Poor girl didn't know what she was ... Read more >

Tags: day trips

Double Gloucester

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 23 Oct 2008 | Views [484]

Ok for a start i'm just going to explain the title. Double Gloucester is a cheese- it is very nice actually. I like cheese and thus thought it would be a nice title for my trip to Gloucester......yeah shut up i know i'm strange. But cheese is nice. ... Read more >

Tags: day trips

Cheltenham- Initial thoughts

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 23 Oct 2008 | Views [455]

So, i've moved to Cheltenham. Another new job, another new living arrangement, new everything pretty much. When i first moved here i must admit i had absolutely no preconceptions. I hadn't even really heard of Cheltenham- I knew it was near Gloucester ... Read more >

Tags: cheltenham

The Championships.

UNITED KINGDOM | Tuesday, 21 Oct 2008 | Views [492]

Well the tour ended, i had a bloody early flight back to London from Berlin, and most importantly- I was off to Wimbledon! It has always been one of those things i always wanted to go to if i had the chance so when it finally came up, no hangover, lack ... Read more >

Tags: tennis

Alles Gute! Auf Wiedersehen!

GERMANY | Monday, 20 Oct 2008 | Views [1381]

The tour is over! We arrived back in Berlin, after 36 days and I must admit I was absolutely knackered!   The time had absolutely flown by (except all those hours on the damn bus!) and I think I needed a holiday to recover from my holiday! It ... Read more >

Tags: germany

Polska Power!

POLAND | Friday, 17 Oct 2008 | Views [845]

So I’m finally into Poland, the final new stop of the big journey and what can I say about it? Well I really enjoyed it actually. I don’t know why but I kind of expected it to be a little bit backward or perhaps behind the times, but it was exactly the ... Read more >

Tags: poland

Crossing Lithuania

LITHUANIA | Tuesday, 7 Oct 2008 | Views [484]

After the attempted murder in Latvia I was glad to be on my way to Vilnius (Lithuania) after a big and much anticipated breakfast (as I had missed out on it the day before). Lithuania was another country in had no real preconceived ideas about- I mean ... Read more >

Tags: lithuania

The Latvians tried to kill me!

LATVIA | Sunday, 5 Oct 2008 | Views [515] | Comments [2]

Now that got your attention! So….Latvia. What can I say? Watch out that you don’t get food poisoning- this is coming from personal experience, I honestly wanted to die, I felt so ill. It was utterly dreadful.   The day started in Russia in ... Read more >

Tags: latvia

From Russia with Love - Velikie Luki

RUSSIAN FEDERATION | Saturday, 4 Oct 2008 | Views [517]

Again apologies for the fact that I haven’t wrote anything for what seems like forever. You get behind on this sort of thing and it really gets on top of you. I am hoping to be up to date by the time I finish in Cheltenham- three weeks from now to do ... Read more >

Tags: russia

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