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Blurred memories Memoirs of a lost and bewildered Australian chick through Europe.

The looooooong trip over

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 6 Feb 2008 | Views [608]

So i'm here. And yes the flight was very very long and very very boring. They say that once you go business you never go back and i truly wish that this were the case and that i was rolling in money. Unfortunately i haven't married prince harry yet, ... Read more >

Tags: Airports


AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 23 Jan 2008 | Views [478]

So as it turns out telstra is the most evil company on earth. It should not take 6 trips to the telstra shop, 6 phonecalls to those irritating "service" numbers and alot of thinly veiled threats by me to an unfortunate young man to get my mobile ... Read more >

Tags: The Planning Phase

a lonely planet, so listen to other travellers

GERMANY | Thursday, 12 Jan 2006 | Views [533]

heres a quick probably boring story: i was thinking of heading to hamburg tomorrow but decided not to on the advice of an aussie girl who had just been there. she said its great if you like ships, but apart from that it loses its excitement after the ... Read more >

Tags: Travel Tips

McDonalds...the german way

GERMANY | Wednesday, 11 Jan 2006 | Views [1035]

I thought this deserved an article of its own. Mcdonalds here is very very weired. While i appreciate cultural differences eg. the ribburger they have here. I must admit i was a touch suprised when i saw beer on the menu. Family restaurant indeed! And ... Read more >

Tags: Food & eating

Ich bin ein berliner

GERMANY | Wednesday, 11 Jan 2006 | Views [483]

Grüße aus deutschland! well i'm in berlin at the moment and am actually suprised at how much i like it here. i am thinking of staying an extra day to what i initially planned. i did a free walking tour today around the city which was absolutely brilliant.... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing

London, heaven on earth

UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 9 Jan 2006 | Views [1164] | Comments [1]

I LOVE LONDON! it really is heaven on earth, i don't know why alot of english people are so miserable about it. Granted, i don't live there so this cannot be a truly objective comment, but i really really liked it there. Here are my reasons: 1. Obviously ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing

What do germans do on sundays?

GERMANY | Monday, 9 Jan 2006 | Views [3084] | Comments [1]

Well, what do germans do on sundays? i think its a very valid question. Today, sunday, i decided to go shopping for some food to taske with me on the train tomorrow (5 1/2 hours to berlin). i had been warned previously that not much is open here on sundays.... Read more >

Tags: Culture

Europe, europe! so good they called it europe!

UNITED KINGDOM | Tuesday, 3 Jan 2006 | Views [677]

Hmmmmm, well its about time i told everyone about the trip so far now that i actually have a little time. At the moment i'm at edinbrugh backpackers. Not bad , but not brilliant, at least the people are ok. |Just finished watching Shaun of the dead with ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

New years resolution

UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 2 Jan 2006 | Views [481]

Greetings from scotland! Well i've had an interesting time since my last post. So far i've been to france, austria, london, a bit of germany and am currently in edinburgh. New year was big, very big, hence my new years resolution to try to avoid alcohol ... Read more >

Tags: Party time

1 day in, and it's been interesting

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 15 Dec 2005 | Views [652] | Comments [1]

well i've had an interesting day to say the least, i got to sydney airport at the ridiculously early time of 630 this morning keen for adventure, but very buggered after not much sleep. i was informed that my flight was overbooked and whould i mind ... Read more >

Tags: Airports

Nearly There

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 13 Dec 2005 | Views [460]

I hate packing! It's excruciating! I know the golden rule is to pack light as i have been told by a myriad of people but i think this is easier said than done. I mean i have sooo many people trying to give me advice but this advice seems to be on the ... Read more >

Tags: Packing & gadgets

Nervous Anticipation

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 5 Dec 2005 | Views [553]

Hmmm, first post, what to say?... well its under 2 weeks to go till i'm off of my trip. I've done all the boring organising stuff that comes with travel: organised all the damn paperwork, gotten some euros at a ridiculously bad exchange rate, bragged ... Read more >

Tags: The Planning Phase

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