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Blurred memories Memoirs of a lost and bewildered Australian chick through Europe.

1 day in, and it's been interesting

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 15 December 2005 | Views [652] | Comments [1]

well i've had an interesting day to say the least,

i got to sydney airport at the ridiculously early time of 630 this morning keen for adventure, but very buggered after not much sleep. i was informed that my flight was overbooked and whould i mind changing to a later flight via hong kong. it would get me to germany heaps earlier. naturally i said yes and agreed to come back at 855 to check in for this later flight (myoriginal flight was meant to leave at 930). in the meantime i emailed korea and cancelled my motel booking. i came back at 855 to be told no i didn't need to change flights beacuse they had found a seat for me in business class at no extra change. well obviously that was sweet! my first ever international flight was busineass class, i can't complain about that one!

so anyhow i by the time all that was sorted out it was 920 and i had to kiss mum and dad goodbye in a hurry (probably a good thing so they didn't get all teary) i ran through customs and all that worried that i'd miss the damn flight but got there with 10 minutes to spare because the plane was delayed. Had to ring laura (my older sister) to get her to re-email the hotel in korea and uncancel.

the flight was long and boring (i'm easily bored) but i think that this was ok because of my huge amounts of legroom, big comfy seat, really nice food etc. business class is sweet! Anyway on arrival at korea i had to find my hotel at the airport. got lost, asked for directions from a guy that works here, didn't really understand a word of his answer, got lost again......when i finally found the hotel they said they had no booking for me so i had to rebook, i think this cost me extra and the place is like 140us dollars. all i can say its lucky that its so damn convenient cos its bloody expensive!

So, to end a very eventful day i'm wandering around the airport trying to get my phone to work because it won't detect a network.....call me boring but i really don't want tomaorrow to be as exciting as today.

Bye from Korea


Tags: Airports



Happy New Year Chook!!!! Email me some photos G XXXXXX

  Aunty Gina Dec 31, 2005 1:59 PM

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