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There are [349] photos and [36] stories about China

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Fire and Poison

Monday, 13 Aug 2012 | Views [776]

I arrived back in Dali, and bartered for a cheap taxi to the old town, Dali gu cheng. Booked in to a new hostel, very cozy and calm, with very friendly staff, which is great! I shared a two-bed dorm with a Swiss fellow, who almost caught me undressed ... Read more >

Turning Tibetan

Wednesday, 8 Aug 2012 | Views [592]

I can understand why people love the Tibetan culture, people are friendly and smiling, the food is amazing, the countryside is beautiful, and their clothes are hilarious! Final day in Shangri-La was spent on my assignment, but in the afternoon, with ... Read more >


Monday, 6 Aug 2012 | Views [908]

On and off..stop and start.. the rain and thunder, clouds and chilliness come and go, in and out.. its quite nice though, makes appreciating the moments of blazing sun even better! This old town is a typical cobbled maze, where no travel office ... Read more >

Dali whine and dine

Saturday, 4 Aug 2012 | Views [785]

All is changed. The hostel didn’t have my booking so I had to wait over 6 hours for my bed. Not happy. Memories of Jo and Brian’s success here began floating away like it was all a dream. The management barely speaks English. All the guests are ... Read more >

Zai Lin Yunnan

Thursday, 2 Aug 2012 | Views [469]

Cloudy with drizzle, Kunming is full of roads blocked with construction and puddles of rank water. The Hump hostel, which I have previously stayed in, hasn’t changed much at all. I got my bed in a dorm and wander to a nearby restaurant to see if ... Read more >

Photos: Asia 2012

Tuesday, 31 Jul 2012 | Photo Gallery

As I head southward this is what I see
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Learn to expect extortion

Tuesday, 31 Jul 2012 | Views [905]

The epic saga that is my experiences trying to cooperate with the evil empire of China has made me snap. The last straw was chewed long ago dealing with the notoriously anal Dalian Public Security Bastards with Visa mishaps. Me trying to follow ... Read more >

Onwards I go

Monday, 30 Jul 2012 | Views [571]

It is that time again, my feet are aching to be on the move, and here i go. First stop Shanghai, of course after coming here so many times I love this city, it is the least Chinese place and it will always be a favorite stop where I will be guaranteed ... Read more >

Final daze in Dalian

Saturday, 28 Jul 2012 | Views [758]

Amongst all the frustration and difficulty I have faced throughout the year in China, I have made some otleechna friends! Surviving winter with copious amounts of whiskey, and getting through each crappy day at work by having fun with the little brats, ... Read more >

Give me Guanxi!

Thursday, 7 Jun 2012 | Views [702]

On Sunday I received my brand spanking new passport, so pretty and clean and new. It came with instructions as to transferring my current Chinese working Visa, and also a sticker to put on my old passport. I did this, and lopped off the corner in the ... Read more >

Summer is Finally coming to Dalian

Wednesday, 2 May 2012 | Views [872]

After an often unbearable winter, the blossoms are out, and warm winds invite seaside bbqs and evenings outside with good friends. The last four months have been whirlwind, counting down the time until my next movements, yet enjoying the way of life ... Read more >

snowflakes on roses and whiskery woolys

Sunday, 1 Jan 2012 | Views [747]

I wake early to see floaty flakes buzzing around in the wind outside. A few settle momentarily on the windowsill, lovely and sparkling in the early sunshine. The blazing blue sky soon take care of the soft snowy threats, and the chill is held at bay ... Read more >

festive feelings far from home

Tuesday, 8 Nov 2011 | Views [717]

I can’t imagine it is ever very nice getting soaked wet trying to find your bed for the night. I have a sweet little room in a central hostel in shanghai, it would be perfect if it had access to wifi, as advertised. So I ponder all the things I wanted ... Read more >

its loud

Sunday, 30 Oct 2011 | Views [414]

The construction drone is insane, so here I sit with speakers turned right up, sweet sweet loud music soothing in comparison. After a day at work that makes me cringe in recollection, I feel its time to reflect on the last month or so here in my space.... Read more >

Photos: Dalian

Sunday, 25 Sep 2011 | Photo Gallery

These are some shots of my year..friends and bars and food
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whats up these days

Sunday, 25 Sep 2011 | Views [606]

So in the last month, I have tripped to Zhengzhou, returned thankfully to Dalian, and have had my head down busy with work and uni work, trying to only go out three nights a week and doing well! Seeing the friends I had in my last China trip was great, ... Read more >

Not much happening here

Friday, 12 Aug 2011 | Views [346] | Comments [1]

I am sad to say life has slowed down again. In some ways I  am happy I can have a space all to myself, I can get creative with my work and spend time on my studies. I still have a ways to go to find the right kinda people I do things with regularly ... Read more >


Saturday, 30 Jul 2011 | Views [378]

"Welcome to Dalian, it’s quite nice here... you might even grow to like it."   Acquainting myself with this small city of only 6 million in the northern province of Laoning has not been what I imagined. Stupid right, I even ... Read more >

Welcome back to China!

Friday, 22 Jul 2011 | Views [319]

Day 2 in Dalian and I was collected from the hotel approximately ten minutes after I woke up from intense dreams – which I have had always when huge change happens and for the last few nights it has been so hot and uncomfortable so my dreams have ... Read more >

Kunming : I like it!

Thursday, 21 Oct 2010 | Views [466] | Comments [1]

Arrived in Kunming, watched a movie with Joy, and relaxed into the warm welcome I have from this great couple here. Joy is originally from Anhui province, and Mark is Irish. They run the best bar for live music here in Kunming, and their couch is ... Read more >

Paul and Yokos wedding and general mayhem

Monday, 18 Oct 2010 | Views [652]

I’m thankful that after the absolute chaos of Saturday that I spent yesterday charlando with Ana, my friend from Argentina who teaches Spanish in Zhengzhou, and then Julia, who I stayed with, into the small hours of the night, relaxed and happy.... Read more >

Photos: Zhzh massiv / Paul+Yoko's wedding

Saturday, 16 Oct 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Return to Zhengzhou

Saturday, 16 Oct 2010 | Views [578]

Waiting at the airport is always interesting. You can either feel filled with excitement – I’m going somewhere I have been before, where it will be an reunion of friends or family, or you can feel even more excitement for the unknown destination ... Read more >

Leaving my newest home

Wednesday, 13 Oct 2010 | Views [328]

Leaving Dali was one of the most difficult things I have done on this journey. After a strange last day there, and very drunken riotous evenings spent dancing and laughing and of course drinking more than I ever thought possible, retaining a blurry ... Read more >

Coming home to Dali

Wednesday, 6 Oct 2010 | Views [768]

On return we made it in time for 2 plates of the Humps bbq, a cold beer and the new challenge to find a bed for the night, as the hump was fully booked. Across the road the Jade Emu gave us a space and finally…a hot shower!! That night through ... Read more >

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