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life's adventures This is the story of my wanderings through Asia

Turning Tibetan

CHINA | Wednesday, 8 August 2012 | Views [593]

I can understand why people love the Tibetan culture, people are friendly and smiling, the food is amazing, the countryside is beautiful, and their clothes are hilarious! Final day in Shangri-La was spent on my assignment, but in the afternoon, with the two characters that had made my stay full of laughter. We started off with a drink, and as it was the last time I would egg them on to dress up in traditional Tibetan gear and sit on the yak down  in the main square, we had a few drinks, and ended up actually doing it! My gown had the longest sleeves you could imagine. People were taking photos of and with us. General hilarity ensued, especially when they had turns sitting on the yak and posing for hundreds of happy snaps from bystanders.


After this we found an Indian restaurant to eat at, horrible wine, unexpected dishes and more laughter at Matt splashing spinach curry all over himself, we decide to indulge in one last glass of plum wine before bed. On our way through the town we passed through the smaller dancing square, where for the first time we see why it has this name. There were so many people, in a big circle, moving around in time to some oriental music. Of course we joined in! The guys didn’t quite follow the steps accurately, but again, lots of laughter.


Some videos and blurry pictures, then it was decided we needed to calm ourselves with a hot, toxic, plum wine. This drink has a wrinkled plum at the bottom of a wineglass, its heated, and smells exactly like nail polish. Tastes great though, its only about 40% so we very maturely decided to stick to one glass before goodbyes. The next morning I rose early to get myself to the bus station. Bought a ticket back to Dali and hey presto I’m on my way once again, taking pics of the epic farmhouses through the Tibetan influenced countryside, wondering if I will ever see it again.



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