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life's adventures This is the story of my wanderings through Asia

Trip: reflections along the way

There are [48] stories from my trip: reflections along the way

Last stop

MALAYSIA | Saturday, 18 Dec 2010 | Views [314] | Comments [1]

Sitting in the airport contemplating the coming hours, I find a sweet peace thinking of getting back to mums house in Howick where I can arrange all the things I have picked up along the way around me, anticipating her shock at the great amount, and wonder ... Read more >

Moving on to Greatness

THAILAND | Thursday, 16 Dec 2010 | Views [533]

We left Samui in a blur, nights out having fun, and with Rachel it’s always maximum fun! Sent off by her closest friends and some hilarious antics, we blearily made it to the ferry early morning on Sunday, watching sunrise as we cruised in the direction ... Read more >

Photos: Koh Samui to Malaysia

MALAYSIA | Sunday, 12 Dec 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Ohh Samui, rich island style

THAILAND | Friday, 10 Dec 2010 | Views [522]

Koh Samui is a place I am glad I came to see, and I’m very glad I have a friend here to introduce me to the real side of the island life here. Rachel has been here since August, working and living and loving the life here. I arrived on the ferry after ... Read more >


THAILAND | Tuesday, 7 Dec 2010 | Views [834]

I’m now in Bangkok, once again in a hurry to get out of the hot smelly city. Last night I rode to the bus station on the back of Young’s bike, a vivid sky sending me from the beauty and peace in Chiang Rai. I had a funny last night there, getting well ... Read more >

Completly Content

THAILAND | Monday, 6 Dec 2010 | Views [289]

It is so hard to write about chiang rai, where to start? I almost want to keep it all to myself :) This last week has been beyond anything I could have wished for. Welcomed fully by the whanau at the peace house, such a cruisy wonderful mix of people.... Read more >

Photos: I love Chiang Rai

THAILAND | Monday, 6 Dec 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Chiang Rai is Awesome!

THAILAND | Sunday, 28 Nov 2010 | Views [832]

My first night in Chiang Mai was an adventure. Having left Pai on such a great note, a night out with live Jazz straight from Chiang mai, falangs joining in and jamming with the band, then a live reggae band which was fun, dancing around with beautiful ... Read more >

Around and about Pai

THAILAND | Thursday, 25 Nov 2010 | Views [468]

Yesterday I managed to catch up with a very cool crew of people to go on missions around and about Pai for the day. Two English lads; Gareth and Bill on their pretty pink scooter made a cute couple, Rune the funny Dane zooming along the straight ... Read more >

Photos: Thailand

THAILAND | Wednesday, 24 Nov 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Tailored for Tourists Thailand

THAILAND | Wednesday, 24 Nov 2010 | Views [518]

I am surprised and disappointed here in Thailand. I think over the years the numbers of friends who have told me I would love this place, they instilled in me a sort of expectation, the sort no traveler should ever take with them on the road.... Read more >

The Sad Story of my Jandals

THAILAND | Tuesday, 23 Nov 2010 | Views [476] | Comments [2]

Jandals are the trusty footwear owned by many, and underrated for their common status. In many countries they are exploited, over used during the hot parts of the year, and in all kinds of terrain, by all sorts of people, never with a word ... Read more >

Good bye Cambodia, Heloo Thailand

THAILAND | Saturday, 20 Nov 2010 | Views [517]

Bangkok is exactly as crazy as I imagined it to be. Similar to places in Beijing, Shanghai and Hanoi, but it has this knowledge and attitude of its own mental functioning that makes it world renowned and notorious for this style of nightlife and ... Read more >

Photos: kbal spean and banteay srei

CAMBODIA | Thursday, 18 Nov 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Angkor Wat is what its all about!

CAMBODIA | Wednesday, 17 Nov 2010 | Views [762]

Cambodia has become an inspiring experience for me. On Friday we met up with Kiwi born, half Cambodian, Peap Tarr, who is living in Phnom Penh. He is a sick artist, and through mutual friends we managed to connect dots and arrange a catch up. His crew ... Read more >

Photos: Camera-happy in Cambodia

CAMBODIA | Wednesday, 17 Nov 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Until next time Laos

LAOS | Thursday, 11 Nov 2010 | Views [648] | Comments [1]

Bags wearily dropped onto the floor of our second guesthouse in Phnom Penh, we slump onto the beds and start a lazy game of gin. Josh and I have been playing cards every so often throughout our travels so far, they’re handy in situations where staring ... Read more >

Photos: Loving Laos

LAOS | Sunday, 7 Nov 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: Our rushed glimpses of Lao Life

LAOS | Thursday, 4 Nov 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Same same but Louder

LAOS | Monday, 1 Nov 2010 | Views [638] | Comments [2]

We are now in Vang Viene. It’s a wee bit sticky at 6 in the evening, and there’s large winged insects annoying us. The room is simple and we are relaxing on the veranda watching the sky turn colors, when we first got here under an hour ago the day ... Read more >

Luang Prabang – Ancient capital of Laos

LAOS | Saturday, 30 Oct 2010 | Views [994]

What a stunning place. Very posh in some respects, thriving on tourism from France, as this place is teeming with French money, buildings, people and history. The streets are few and the layout of the town is very simple along the banks of ... Read more >

2 days on the Mekong

LAOS | Thursday, 28 Oct 2010 | Views [854]

The morning was rushed but relaxed and pretty laid back running to and fro trying to sort ourselves out, turns out the 8.30 delivery to the boat showed us the boat is fully stocked – though expensive – and that we had plenty of time to wait. Me ... Read more >

LAOS P.D.R. – Please Don’t Rush

LAOS | Wednesday, 27 Oct 2010 | Views [371]

From Kunming, we went to the southern town of Mengla (nearly missing the bus due to timing and traffic..stresssss), where we jumped onto another bus to Luang Nam Tha in northern LAOS. The weather was grey and wet as we left China. In Mengla ... Read more >

Kunming : I like it!

CHINA | Thursday, 21 Oct 2010 | Views [466] | Comments [1]

Arrived in Kunming, watched a movie with Joy, and relaxed into the warm welcome I have from this great couple here. Joy is originally from Anhui province, and Mark is Irish. They run the best bar for live music here in Kunming, and their couch is ... Read more >

Paul and Yokos wedding and general mayhem

CHINA | Monday, 18 Oct 2010 | Views [652]

I’m thankful that after the absolute chaos of Saturday that I spent yesterday charlando with Ana, my friend from Argentina who teaches Spanish in Zhengzhou, and then Julia, who I stayed with, into the small hours of the night, relaxed and happy.... Read more >

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