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On the Loose So, Here I go!! I will add updates frequently with pic's so you can all live vicariously through me!! and join me whenever possible- Love and Peace to you all, I will miss you, hoping to be back soon with a whole new life!!

Victoria.Mahe in a day

SEYCHELLES | Saturday, 15 Dec 2007 | Views [951]

dec 15 spent today in Victoria at the local market and checking out Mahe in a one day kinda way...really not enough but all I have left myself..Unisy, Elodie's sister is great, so warm and accomodating, I am staying in her house and it is all family ... Read more >

Tags: Laughter

Leaving La Digue

SEYCHELLES | Friday, 14 Dec 2007 | Views [999]

dec 14 Last night I spent at Tarosa...the open air bar on the beach at the jetty, there was a nice reggae band playing and tons of locals and dancin...good times....nice way to spend the last night. Have I metioned the Takamaka trees yet??? they are ... Read more >

Tags: Philosophy of travel

Anse Marron

SEYCHELLES | Thursday, 13 Dec 2007 | Views [1437]

dec 13 This morning Andy called for me...He was out at ile cocos but wants me to meet him at source D'Argent at 12 or 12:30 and we will go to Anse Marron. So I head that way and find Sylvan selling necklaces and stuff he has made from shells and nuts ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Boat Tour!!!

SEYCHELLES | Wednesday, 12 Dec 2007 | Views [483]

dec 12 today we head out for a full day..I need to be at the jetty at 10am to leave, everyone fromLa Diguoise will be on the boat today.There are 2 other young german couples staying here.  We had a full boat, another couple fromL'ocean hotel who I saw ... Read more >

Tags: Beaches & sunshine

My La Digue

SEYCHELLES | Tuesday, 11 Dec 2007 | Views [676]

 Dec 11 La Digue last night it rained very hard...for a few hours.  I got up and sat on the veranda with Sultan and watched and listened.  This morning the air is filled with lovely flower smells....wofts of ylang ylang and fraginpani. I sit here and ... Read more >

Tags: Relaxation

Felicite and Ile de Cocos

SEYCHELLES | Sunday, 9 Dec 2007 | Views [584]

Felicite and Ile de Cocos 12/9/07 This morning as I was having breakfast Andy called for me to see if I wanted to go out for a 1/2 day today....sure why not....I had to meet him at the jetty at noon.  We took the boat 1st over to Felicite and anchored ... Read more >

Tags: Beaches & sunshine

La Digue Dec 8

SEYCHELLES | Saturday, 8 Dec 2007 | Views [503]

Dec 8 Feast of the Immaculate conception a national holiday here. Had a nice breakfast and a brief rain shower and set off for Grand Anse. The hill did not seem as bad today to get to the beach.  There were people there today, surfers and tourists..like ... Read more >

Tags: Beaches & sunshine

La Diguoise

SEYCHELLES | Friday, 7 Dec 2007 | Views [1918] | Comments [1]

La Diguoise Guesthouse If you ever make it to the Seychelles the one place I would say you cannot miss is La Diguoise and Elodie on La Digue Island. la Digue is the best Island by far in my opinion...it is quiet and quaint and there are hardly any ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

Praslin to La Digue

SEYCHELLES | Thursday, 6 Dec 2007 | Views [702]

Praslin another dinner and night hanging with William and plans for him and his cabby friend he met to pick me up in the am and head by ferry to La Digue.  another fine and yummy meal with lots of wine ..... 12/6/07 Off to La Digue, William and cabby ... Read more >

Tags: Beaches & sunshine

Praslin Island

SEYCHELLES | Wednesday, 5 Dec 2007 | Views [723]

seychelles is amazing.  I took the bus around praslin and was able to make it all the way around the island.  The last stop left me a 1km walk up and over a mountain to a beautisul beach called Anse lazio. Unlike the rest of the beaches on the island ... Read more >

Tags: Beaches & sunshine

Praslin Island The Seychelles

SEYCHELLES | Monday, 3 Dec 2007 | Views [562]

dec 3 Beautiful Praslin , hot Praslin...woke up and went to the restaurant on the beach and had a plate of fresh fruit and great coffee and fresh squeezed juice.  I head out by the pool to relax today, noone is around I have the whole place to myself.... Read more >

Tags: Beaches & sunshine

Nairobi to Seychelles

SEYCHELLES | Sunday, 2 Dec 2007 | Views [700]

Dec 2 Up early to get to the  airport for Seychelles!!!  James was missing, he is usually early so when he was not outside at 6:30 it was a little scary...Since we have no way of reaching him, I start to assemble plan b and how to get a taxi...About 6:... Read more >

Tags: I should have known better!

Karen ,Kenya a full day

KENYA | Saturday, 1 Dec 2007 | Views [1689]

Dec 1 Today we went shopping in Karen, Kenya.  I needed to get another piece of luggage as I have run out of room!!!  I also found a travel book on Seychelles dor a mere 2950 ks,around $40 us....so I check out and then they take me to the service desk, ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing

Arusha to Nairobi

TANZANIA | Friday, 30 Nov 2007 | Views [830]

Farewell to Arusha and Tanzania and Chui....we are off early this morning taking the Impala shuttle a small bus to Nairobi.  Our fine friend Chui...probably glad to be rid of us after a week...waits for us to go, I will miss his warm smile and great ... Read more >

Tags: traveling

Losinoni/La Bella Luna

TANZANIA | Thursday, 29 Nov 2007 | Views [2130] | Comments [1]

nov 29 I woke up with a migraine this morning, the first headache or any sort of not feeling well the whole trip thus far, and decided to stay at Ilbouro and sleep and rest.  Must have needed it as I went back to bed at 9:30 and didn't wake up until the ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

Selian Hospital/Ebenezer School Arusha

TANZANIA | Wednesday, 28 Nov 2007 | Views [1622]

11/28/07 Today we got up and drove to the Selian Hospital in Arusha. On the way there along the road Chui stopped and said we were going to give someone a ride, it turned out to be Paulina the Hospice administrator at the hospital who would be showing ... Read more >

Tags: Doctors, hospitals & health

Tarangire Lodge to Ilbouro Lodge

TANZANIA | Tuesday, 27 Nov 2007 | Views [645]

Slept so well last night with the sounds of the wild lulling me to sleep, The security guard Mumbabi kept watch all night and guarded our tents from animals, I could hear him walking by every so often.  It is so still and peaceful here.  Awoke to a gorgeous ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Safari day 4 Tarangire

TANZANIA | Monday, 26 Nov 2007 | Views [580]

day 4 Left Sopa Lodge after breakfast and a gorgeous morning overlooking the crater!!  Today we head out of Ngorogoro National Park and on to Tarangire National Park.  The ride back tracks a bit so I am able to catch a brief nap.  We stop for our box ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Sopa Lodge Ngorogoro

TANZANIA | Sunday, 25 Nov 2007 | Views [824]

sopa lodge We climbed back up out of the crater after an amazing day on drives...more than I could have ever dreamed to see. Right now I am sitting on top of the world looking out over the Ngorogoro crater and watching the sunset over thousands of ... Read more >

Tags: Relaxation

Safarri Day 3 Ngorogoro

TANZANIA | Sunday, 25 Nov 2007 | Views [884]

day 3 elephant 2 lion prides crowned crane cheetah elusive black rhino endangered only 17 in park wildebeest cape buffalo maasai giraffe several lazy and bloody hyenas agreesive black kite's cherval cat jackals both kinds hippopotamus ostrich zebras ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

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