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China in a nut shell My dealings with China


There are [0] photos and [15] stories tagged with "school".

The MarchApril adventure

CHINA | Friday, 27 Apr 2012 | Views [1036] | Comments [2]

Welcome back! I didn’t write a blog last month and so this will be a doubled up attempt at keeping you informed of my happenings. These 2 months have been very ordinary but I hope you still enjoy reading. So let’s start with March! ... Read more >

Tags: demo, girlfriend, guangzhou, huizhou, love, money, school, work

Remember that time i did stuff, well i have done a little more stuff now

CHINA | Wednesday, 29 Feb 2012 | Views [1026] | Comments [3]

This has to come out today as I said to myself I would try and write a blog every month so thank god this is a leap year and I have this extra day! Let’s get started shall we? Chinese New Year is our first stop in the blog. It was my first holiday ... Read more >

Tags: girlfriend, money, projector, school, sightseeing, spending, travel, valentines, work

Year of the Dragon

CHINA | Wednesday, 18 Jan 2012 | Views [840] | Comments [2]

So my first blog of the new year! Let me tell you about my businesses from the end of last year all the way up to this very minute! Christmas time is our first stop! On Christmas Eve I went for a few drinks with a new teacher in my school. We went to ... Read more >

Tags: christmas, dragon, drinking, holidays, lost, new year, school, teachers, teaching

Merry Christmas / Street fighting / 24 rootin tootin years

CHINA | Friday, 23 Dec 2011 | Views [701] | Comments [3]

Ni hao! This is my festive blog, it is filled with wonder, cheer and puppies! Stray ones being chased by men with big nets but puppies none the less! I hope you can write me back after reading this as it would be great to hear even a line or two about ... Read more >

Tags: 25, birthday, buffet, christmas, demo, dog catcher, holidays, part time, school, weather

Bring back the cane!

CHINA | Wednesday, 16 Nov 2011 | Views [707] | Comments [1]

It has been a whole month! Wow. A lot has happened and that is one of the reasons this blog hasn’t been written until now. I am just busy and it feels like all the time, even so it isn’t ‘exhausting busy’ it’s ‘good busy’ is there such a thing? I ... Read more >

Tags: china, clubbing, clubs, food, guangzhou, halloween, huizhou, life, school, work

Nice to meet you.....to meet you nice!

CHINA | Friday, 14 Oct 2011 | Views [844] | Comments [4]

Welcome to the new AND updated blog. The KEY between C and B doesn’t work on this keyboard so any word with it will mean it is missing but there aren’t that many words with it in it anyway…except improved, have, very… this is going to be tough to ... Read more >

Tags: airport, china, flats, girlfriend, guangzhou, kids, life, school, sister, travel


CHINA | Monday, 30 May 2011 | Views [771] | Comments [2]

Hello, So since we last spoke not a whole lot has actually been happening with me. I have not stopped seeing amazing and cool things so different from what I am used to but I forget them quickly which isn’t bad because I can enjoy it again next time!!! ... Read more >

Tags: cinema, hammer, huizhou, kids, movies, pig, reservoir, school, swimming, teaching

V Day and T Day!

CHINA | Wednesday, 2 Mar 2011 | Views [699] | Comments [2]

So Valentines Day was great! My first one with an actually girlfriend I could see and everything! It was pretty cool. We went to this cake place and made a cake. Crystal made her first cake and it was good! No one has an oven so this place gives the option ... Read more >

Tags: running, school, valentines day

Christmas Frakin Day!

CHINA | Tuesday, 4 Jan 2011 | Views [557]

Nothing could have gotten me down this day! I had school at 9 but didn’t get me down. I woke up with by excellent girlfriend (well right now something is up) and gave her present which cost me half my salary. I kept telling her she was getting an ... Read more >

Tags: christmas, gifts, necklace, party, santa, school, secret, teaching

A month of Tuesdays

CHINA | Tuesday, 7 Dec 2010 | Views [477] | Comments [1]

Tuesdays are my day of rest and so this month has ben a very good month if you understand where i am coming from. I f not usually people say "month of sundays" which is the day of rest and no work which is usually a good thing and so i mean ... Read more >

Tags: birthday, christmas, guangzhou, school

the happenings

CHINA | Wednesday, 20 Oct 2010 | Views [320]

Hello fellow land lovers! Been a while since i have posted but until recently there has not been too much to report. I was flat broke until the 15th so from the 9th to then i stayed in and ate noodles and watch stuff on the internet. I have been ... Read more >

Tags: china, date, hiking, school


CHINA | Friday, 17 Sep 2010 | Views [535] | Comments [1]

YOHOHOHO, Let me tell ya folks! moon cakes leave nothing for a non Chinese person to admire. On Wednesday i went to school to see the other teachers making said moon cakes and maybe make some of my own. I was going to take lots of photos but another ... Read more >

Tags: china, korean, moon cake, school, students

School daze

CHINA | Tuesday, 14 Sep 2010 | Views [509] | Comments [1]

Hi everyone, update! short because i haven't been too much. There was teachers day in China on Friday! I forgot to mention :s It's a day where teachers are celebrated surprise surprise! nothing fancy but i got a big box of milk and some cracker ... Read more >

Tags: china, school, students, teachers

OVER 9000!!!

CHINA | Thursday, 9 Sep 2010 | Views [574] | Comments [1]

now you are reading because you want to know what the title means and it has nothing to do with the story sorry! So the night out with the school was fine! We had some beers with the girls from school, played some dice and had a chat. I got to meet ... Read more >

Tags: bar, china, out, school, view

Losing ones head…

CHINA | Sunday, 29 Aug 2010 | Views [590] | Comments [3]

So right now it’s the 29th and I last updated on theeeeeee 24th? Lots to say. So on my first day in the school there was a morning staff meeting. I got to meet almost everyone at the school and they were very friendly and some have great English. Right ... Read more >

Tags: china, eating, hot, school, travel

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