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China in a nut shell My dealings with China


There are [0] photos and [3] stories tagged with "travel".

Remember that time i did stuff, well i have done a little more stuff now

CHINA | Wednesday, 29 Feb 2012 | Views [1026] | Comments [3]

This has to come out today as I said to myself I would try and write a blog every month so thank god this is a leap year and I have this extra day! Let’s get started shall we? Chinese New Year is our first stop in the blog. It was my first holiday ... Read more >

Tags: girlfriend, money, projector, school, sightseeing, spending, travel, valentines, work

Nice to meet you.....to meet you nice!

CHINA | Friday, 14 Oct 2011 | Views [844] | Comments [4]

Welcome to the new AND updated blog. The KEY between C and B doesn’t work on this keyboard so any word with it will mean it is missing but there aren’t that many words with it in it anyway…except improved, have, very… this is going to be tough to ... Read more >

Tags: airport, china, flats, girlfriend, guangzhou, kids, life, school, sister, travel

Losing ones head…

CHINA | Sunday, 29 Aug 2010 | Views [590] | Comments [3]

So right now it’s the 29th and I last updated on theeeeeee 24th? Lots to say. So on my first day in the school there was a morning staff meeting. I got to meet almost everyone at the school and they were very friendly and some have great English. Right ... Read more >

Tags: china, eating, hot, school, travel

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