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China in a nut shell My dealings with China


There are [0] photos and [4] stories tagged with "drinking".

Year of the Dragon

CHINA | Wednesday, 18 Jan 2012 | Views [840] | Comments [2]

So my first blog of the new year! Let me tell you about my businesses from the end of last year all the way up to this very minute! Christmas time is our first stop! On Christmas Eve I went for a few drinks with a new teacher in my school. We went to ... Read more >

Tags: christmas, dragon, drinking, holidays, lost, new year, school, teachers, teaching


CHINA | Saturday, 9 Oct 2010 | Views [684] | Comments [4]

Right i am going to try and catch all the time that has been lost with hazy stories with massive plot holes...them being the times i cannot remember due to alcohol or time taking its toll.  Gestapo! I haven't said much recently have i. Well from the ... Read more >

Tags: china, clubs, drinking, red flower lake, sports, west lake

The swing of things

CHINA | Saturday, 4 Sep 2010 | Views [560] | Comments [2]

So Friday rained like a nothing i have seen! Really, i always missed the heavy rain in Scotland for some reason. Anyway! I went shopping and on the way there i got sooooooooooaked, everyone else had an umbrella because they are stupid. God damn are Chinese supermarkets ... Read more >

Tags: 88, dice, drinking, pool, teaching

what a man does with his free time...;)

CHINA | Thursday, 2 Sep 2010 | Views [357] | Comments [1]

Well my second day off was pretty eventful. I went to this lake you can see in the photos, it was really nice and quite and clean. There was a small exercise area next to it as well so i think i will be exercising over there for now! when i start ... Read more >

Tags: 88, china, drinking, party

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